聊天主题开始于 Big Dave48

So me being new to the hobbyI have another question. I have a couple of kits built and painted and I am at the weathering stage. Is there an all purpose wash or does it really depend on what color the model is? I've looked online and at my locl hobby shop and there are so many options that I just don't know what to choose.
18 May 2024, 00:53

Depends on the look you're going for. Dusty, get a tan colour. Rusty, get reds and browns and oranges. Just a bit of highlighting, light wash over very dark paint and dark wash over lighter paints.
Weathering is all about layers. Work from the background to the front. Just like Bob Ross did in his videos 😉
YouTube is your friend and if you like it in print and parting with your money, Ammo has some decent publications.
Remember! Some weathering products might affect your paint! Choose the right product based on solvent/acrylic/etc.
18 May 2024, 05:41

Yes, YouTube is definetly your friend for modelling tips....especially weathering.
18 May 2024, 06:44

Thank you for the information. I watch a lot of youtube videos about modelling. I just get a little overwhelmed with it sometimes is all.
18 May 2024, 13:38

In that case, get some cheap plastic and a tube or two of cheap oil based paint. Perhaps use some spoons and start experimenting. Paint the spoon, and weather with the oil paint. You can streak the oil paint with some (odourless)thinner. When you're done or not happy, apply some more thinner and the oil paint is gone. Start fresh.
18 May 2024, 13:47