nikfrost 作者Thanks for that Ben hahahaha.
12 October 2024, 12:53
Ben MAll I can say is, I understand. I recently did a bunch of yellow.
12 October 2024, 12:57
nikfrost 作者Turning into a right slog, sticking at it though, the vehicle build finish is in sight now...
9 November 2024, 21:58
Ben MGood looking slog 👍
9 November 2024, 22:09
gorbyVery nice work so far.
18 November 2024, 10:56
Ben MYeah nice update!
18 December 2024, 00:16
Alex KVery appealing - congrats! 👍 👍
2 January, 14:23
gorbyImpressive result!
2 January, 15:52
Rui SNicelly done Dio, indeed 👍
2 January, 16:27
Ben MGreat diorama!
2 January, 17:27