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Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut
I'm continuing trying to figure out the correct positions of the various panels. It's a big job.
35 4 November 2024, 17:12

Coming along nicely 👍👍 More building 🤣 going ahead,
Smart and interesting aircraft, lm going to have to research n watch some YouTube videos on this aircraft.
Like the cockpit 👌
7 November 2024, 22:39

Yeah, it's kinda cool. Certainly it's different from the other Russian planes in looks.
8 November 2024, 17:18

Better job on the nose shaping now, it was probably quite dependent on front aero due to wing position and design.
Could help with sonic boom too ??
9 November 2024, 11:28

Ahh probably from airshow viewing ect they probably wanted to keep alot secret.
You will do it justice as usual I'm sure.
Thanks 👍👍
11 November 2024, 17:52

Yes, Zvezda put it out in the 90's sometime after the plane's first flight on September 1997. It's not a bad kit but a few adjustments are needed.
12 November 2024, 18:17

Thanks Alexander, I just hope I can do it justice. Every model is still a new learning experience for me.
15 November 2024, 10:52

Much better with your improvements, Skyhiker 👌.
Do you know if the HobbyBoss tool is more accurate than Zvezda one?
15 November 2024, 18:22

Cuajete, I looked at the instructions for the HobbyBoss and I don't think that there is much of a difference. It might be a bit better but I wouldn't count on it being accurate.
15 November 2024, 18:59

After watching the review on the HobbyBoss kit I can definitely say they are very similar. HobbyBoss did correct a few things such as the landing gear doors which are a little bit better but still not correct, their decals are better although not 100% accurate. They also seem to have added a few small details that I haven't seen on the original plane and are probably fictional. The nose is still not correct even though on their box art it is and are they are missing the weapons bay. So, I wouldn't say that either kit is better.
15 November 2024, 20:25

It's worth giving these different techniques a try, if it works it's a good learning curve for you and others, nothing ventured nothing gained.
I looked at the HB kit it would probably have some advantages, but front would need to correcting at very least.
Always fun to watch you build 😀👍
15 November 2024, 21:59

Usually I am thinking to myself, "Oh I want to an out of the box kit". I look through my stash and grab whatever I feel like doing and then the problems start: I look at photos of the actual aircraft.
16 November 2024, 20:30

🤣 the job grows ! It's that perfectionist in us all 🙄 you have to be happy with end result.
16 November 2024, 20:35

This disease was recognized a long time ago, Skyhiker & Mr D, and it is called AMS (Advanced Modeller's Syndrome) 😄... And there is no cure to this syndrome 😄 😄 😄
Great job, Skyhiker, keep it up!
17 November 2024, 09:00

The Alterations to the shoot and radar is better job👍 looks right now... The parachute would be right at the back away from obstruction.
Im thinking of maybe doing a little 1:144 version to put in my collection 🤔.
21 November 2024, 21:24

Thanks Mr D. I've also noticed that the engines are a bit too long on the kit. I will look at them tomorrow and see what I can do to fix them. A 1:144 version would be fun I think. Just try not to get too concerned about it being accurate or you may end up like me; slow and steady.
21 November 2024, 21:34

Probably why a 1:144 limits the likelihood of that 🙄🤣
Looking good here though... For this model it's definitely worth the time l think.
How did the embossed engine interior go ?
27 November 2024, 15:19

The embossed engine interior worked out well. But I still have to paint it with metallic so we will have to see what it looks like then.
27 November 2024, 15:55

I must say I am rather pleased with how the tail fin wiring went. I wasn't sure if I could get it to work but it looks like the original.
27 November 2024, 15:58

It does look good 👍 l think it's good thing you are doing the improvement as it is good reference to help others in future.
I just got my delivery of my Trumpeter 1:144 Mig-25P it's quiet big aircraft looking at photos it appeared to have similar engine interior to the one you made up, not sure if they had same engines ??
28 November 2024, 19:21

Congratulations on getting your Mig-25P. I look forward to watching you build it. The Mig has Soyuz Tumansky R-15BD-300 turbojet engines, while the Su-47 has Soloviev D-30F11 afterburning turbofan engines with 3-dimensional thrust-vectoring nozzles. The Su-47 was probably the best acrobat to ever fly in the air. Unfortunately dog fighting turns are not very useful when you're blown out of the sky from a heat seeking missile that was shot from miles away.
29 November 2024, 06:20

Hi Skyhiker 👋.
Thanks for the info 👍 nice to know the engine details.
Trumpeter do a 1:144 Su-47 l will probably get once l built the next project.... Just working on wrapping up my Be-6 and ZiL projects to get clean slate for my Mi-8 Chernobyl dio.
SU is taking nice shape now been interesting to follow 😃👍
29 November 2024, 14:23

Hi Skyhiker 👋, hope the project is going well , do you use the masking tape to create raised area's?? If so do you cost in super glue to seal in ??
Always keen to learn new techniques.
Ps lve got the Trumpeter 1:44 on order..... Couldn't resist 🤣
8 December 2024, 20:18

Mr D., my work has been taking up a lot of my time this month. The Tamiya masking tape is used for subtle raised elements. If it is sprayed with a primer it should be able to hold for years without glue as long as the surface is clear of oils before priming and you don't handle the model too much. Normal household masking tape will not work as it has a tendency to fall off with time.
9 December 2024, 07:48

Thanks Skyhiker 👍 this will come in handy for me I'm sure.
Yes busy time l haven't got much done ... Little bits n bobs.
To many models n not enough time 🫣😁
9 December 2024, 20:14

Alot more to the Berkut than the kit... Coming along nicely.
Any idea what Berkut means?
1 28 December 2024, 18:53

Thanks 👍👍 that's my learning for the day .
I got myself the Trumpeter 1:144 kit so good to know bit of info.
28 December 2024, 21:24

Late to the party but following now. I like the scratch-built fin.
1 29 December 2024, 06:20

I added more panels today. I may replace the tape with thicker decal paper. I have to try both out and see which I prefer.
3 January, 14:49

Thanks guys. This is turning into another quick and easy out of the box build... Well, maybe not. Every time I look at the reference photos I see something new. I'm not sure where this is taking me but I'm having fun.
3 January, 22:29

Fun is the main thing .... easy to get side tracked, l think this is a model worthy of the time....as there isn't much in the way of accurate kits out there.
The nose on an aircraft is a Pig! At the best of times .... getting both sides the same. 🤬 " As l recently found out"
I really like the HUD ... Can l spot a green reflector??
3 January, 23:31

Yeah, I put some iridescent foil in the hole that I drilled out in the bottom of the HUD. I think this was the best HUD that I have made so far. Sometimes I use foil for the glass but I think I like this better. It's too bad the decals for the cockpit were the wrong color. The paint I had to use over them looks rough as hell in the photos but in reality with the canopy on you don't see the issues with the paint.. Sometimes compromises have to be made.
3 January, 23:47

I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product with its very delicate details!
5 January, 06:44

You've practically built this kit from scratch! Love the nose job! Following!
30 January, 01:03