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Rudy Poseika
27 图片
P-51B from "Combat Set"View album, image #25
A cold sunny morning.
1:72 Me 262 & P-51B (Revell 03711)
12 29 November 2024, 23:46
Rudy Poseika 作者
I've done what I can with preparations on the sprue. Now ready for assembly..
 29 November 2024, 23:48
Chris T. An
I'll take a seat. Have just finished the Me262 from that combat set. So maybe this one will be my next, too.
 2 December 2024, 10:44
Rudy Poseika 作者
I masked the white on the wings un evenly but somewhat recovered. Ground crew did not have enough coffee that day..
 11 December 2024, 00:00
Rudy Poseika 作者
I'll be adding some pictures later, but I made a real mess of exhaust weathering around the engine cowling. Can see the mule still, but panel instructions and victory markings are almost invisible. Running the engine too oil rich?
 17 December 2024, 20:30
Rudy Poseika 作者
I've added the pictures before, during and after the 'exhaust smoke incident'
 18 December 2024, 19:07
Rudy Poseika 作者
She's done like dinner. On to the next..
1  19 December 2024, 14:17
Chris T. An
I like your result, and you are really quick. Well done.
But what surprises me: do you really have a different canopy OOB or is it from another kit? I am just working on the same Revell Combat Kit and my canopy is more a birdcage one.
 19 December 2024, 16:39
Rudy Poseika 作者
Chris - about the canopy - I had the same question for you. My kit had the Malcolm hood oob. It must be a different issue of the kit. The reference drawing for P51 B VFU is for May 1944. The pilot was shot down in May '44 and was a POW. - about the 'really quick': I have SLOWED down. This was a 3 week effort. I came back to the hobby after a 40+ year pause. Last year when I restarted I was doing a model a week! -I could not keep up that pace as I would run out of room for the finished models. Now I pause a few days, clean up my workspace and start again.
1  19 December 2024, 17:03
Guy Rump
Very nice result! 👍
 19 December 2024, 19:00

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