聊天主题开始于 E8ndave

83 图片
Final set of photos. Build complete, everything that will happen to the kit is complete. Will do some more pro photos ...
18 30 November 2024, 23:47

I screwed up with them (and I did already have these). Pins wouldn't stay in and put a drop of tamiya on them which locked them up, so stupid mistake on me. I think the proper things would be a drop of CA instead.
1 16 December 2024, 13:15

Well its easier to get a nice sag from Friul tracks anyway lol
2 16 December 2024, 18:33

> I think the proper things would be a drop of CA instead.
Gel-type superglue is probably best: it won't run down along the pin and lock things up, but it will keep the pin in the link.
3 19 December 2024, 12:04