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babak chalangi
32 图片
AirShowView album, image #19
项目: AirShow
1:48 AV-8B Harrier II Plus (UMa Model D1001)1:48 Steel Barriers (Bravo Charlie Models 20048)1:48 Remove Before Flight Tags (Modeller X005)3+
7 2 December 2024, 13:44
babak chalangi 作者
UMa models were kind enough to give me some photos, details and painting guides of their harrier plus model
 22 January, 23:48
babak chalangi 作者
The model looks superb
 22 January, 23:49
Juergen Klinglhuber
That is looking interesting.
+ Where are the crowd of prectators from? (is this a kit? 3D print?)
1  26 January, 13:01
babak chalangi 作者
Hello Juergen the crowds are from 3d files I gathered from the internet over the years ( I had this idea for many years now )
I 3d printed them on my friend's Anycubic 3d printed
I'm planing to add more since I forgot to add any females on the initial print 😄
 26 January, 16:29
babak chalangi 作者
of course one of the participators are 3d scan of one of my friends 😄
 26 January, 16:34
Juergen Klinglhuber
Thx for the info - 👍
1  1 February, 10:33

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