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Mark Sherwood
11 图片
Trumpeter 1.48 Supermarine Attacker.View album, image #1
A quirky, eccentric quintessentially English approach to Jet design? Or Supermarine where stuck in the past? A tail sitt...
1:48 Supermarine Attacker F.1 Fighter (Trumpeter 02866)
29 6 December 2024, 16:39
Robert Podkoński
Good job, Mark! I like it very much!
 6 December 2024, 17:13
Mark Sherwood 作者
Thank you Robert. 👍🥸🤟
 6 December 2024, 17:38
Mark Sherwood 作者
Vladimir and everyone else thank you too for the likes. 🤟🥸👍🥸🤘
 6 December 2024, 17:39
Mark Sherwood 作者
Mr D and alllll you guys (referencing the Goonies) thanks for the likes.🤘🥸👍🍺🥴🤟🥸🖖
 6 December 2024, 23:14
Mark Sherwood 作者
Hi Frank thank you for the like. Everyone else too 🤘🥸🤟
 7 December 2024, 09:24
Very beautiful colors! 👍
 7 December 2024, 10:23
Mark Sherwood 作者
Cheers Neuling. 🤘🥸🤟
 7 December 2024, 11:28
Missed this Mark, looks absolutely top work matey! 👍
 7 December 2024, 23:07
Mark Sherwood 作者
Thanks Neil. No, you did not miss it as I did not put a build thread up for it. I thought build it, then photograph it, it may go quicker. Being the Trudger that I am, it didn't. Build threads it is, then (I need the validation as I build. I'm that shallow 🤣) thanks again Neil. 🤘🥸🤟
 8 December 2024, 06:57
Michael Kohl
Like it.
 8 December 2024, 08:12
Mark Sherwood 作者
Thank you Michael, much appreciated. 🤘🥸🤟
 8 December 2024, 10:10
Mark Sherwood 作者
Growler96 and everyone else who gave likes for this build thank you. 🥸🤟🥸🤘🥸👍
 8 December 2024, 10:11
Mark Sherwood 作者
Cheers Tino. 🤘🥸🤟
 8 December 2024, 10:16

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