聊天主题开始于 Dmitriy GolubevДмитрий Голубев添加了一个新相册21 图片Sd.Kfz 251/22 Ausf. D "Pakwagen"1:35项目: Sd.Kfz 251/22 Ausf. D "Pakwagen" 22 10 January, 21:38Mr JamesAn excellent build. The heavy weathering is expertly done. The leaves are a good touch, what are they made from? 1 10 January, 21:45PepeNice 251... 1 10 January, 22:12Дмитрий Голубев 作者Thanks! The leaves and branches are made from stabilized fern. 11 January, 07:43art81Very good job 👍 13 January, 17:58Danny RayFantastic 10 February, 01:48News Feed »