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聊天主题开始于 s2h7e11

András Csilléry
52 6 February, 16:06
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
1  6 February, 18:07
András Csilléry 作者
Thank you very much!! 🙂
 6 February, 20:11
András Csilléry 作者
...and some nice peolpe enlightened me that I used the wrong wing layout for this one 🙁 Crap, that's what happens when I mix the pieces of 5 different Spitfire kits. Shame!
 7 February, 22:59
mixed or not, it looks very nice 🙂
1  7 February, 23:03
András Csilléry 作者
Thanks! 🙂
 11 February, 07:46
Lorraine Lin
1  11 February, 08:29
Very beautiful work!
1  11 February, 10:06
András Csilléry 作者
Thank you guys and cats! 🙂
1  14 February, 20:22
Rui S
Ñice diferent one 👍
2  14 February, 22:45

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