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聊天主题开始于 Yellowwing

Bernhard Schrock
16 10 March, 05:19
Bernhard Schrock 作者
The cockpit is very complete in the kit. I have therefore added very few parts such as 2x 3 operating levers under the instrument panel as well as a few parts on the cockpit floor before the stick. The cushions are not yet mounted, as they are painted separately (leather).
 10 March, 05:42
Looks like I have a front row seat for the next masterclass. 🙂
 10 March, 08:02
Tom Spiegelberg
Den Bausatz hab ich auch. Toll gemacht, aber irgendwie bin ich mit den gespritzten Kühlergrillen am Rumpf nicht ganz happy. Lässt Du die so, oder machst Du die weg und neu aus Fotoätzteilen?
 12 March, 15:56
I will follow this assembly with great attention 😉
 12 March, 16:44
Bernhard Schrock 作者
You are wellcome! As usual a big bag of popcorn for everybody!
 12 March, 17:20
Alec K
Following as well.
 14 March, 03:05
of to a very nice start, I will take a seat next to gorby and Ronan, 🙂
 14 March, 21:39
David Taylor
Back in.
 14 March, 22:02
 14 March, 22:08
Juergen Klinglhuber
 15 March, 17:36

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