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聊天主题开始于 JP233

Jamie Pearson
17 13 March, 13:30
Jamie that Yak came out great. Did you hand paint that or are you using an airbrush now?
 13 March, 14:10
Nice work.
 13 March, 15:41
Łukasz Gliński
Oh, that's shiny! 👍
 13 March, 20:49
Mark K
 13 March, 23:47
Jamie Pearson 作者
Thank you, it's all hand painted.

I think I spent more on filler for this kit than I did for 'the kit' 🤣
2  14 March, 20:11
Łukasz Gliński
Not the best kit indeed, mine Revell's boxing is also hand painted, but in matt.
I recall huge issues to blend the canopy into fuselage
 14 March, 21:04

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