聊天主题开始于 AcabminAlejandro Caballero添加了一个新相册7 图片1/144 Eduard A-4E VA-1951:144项目: 1/144 Eduard A-4E VA-195 29 3 March 2021, 23:11AJMMBeautifully done. The paint work and weathering is spot on. 27 June 2023, 06:03Alejandro Caballero 作者Thank you! It´s a very funny kit to build, very recommended! 27 June 2023, 08:04Villiers de VosVery nice work. 27 June 2023, 19:14Scot RQuite the tail sitter isn't she. I really like how you detailed the fuel tanks. Nice work. 28 June 2023, 15:56Spanjaardvery nice 28 June 2023, 17:33Rui SI like it, very much 👍 31 December 2024, 11:07News Feed »