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聊天主题开始于 medi_76

35 30 April 2021, 20:58
Vjekoslav Ranec
Very nice
 30 April 2021, 21:16
James C
That's awesome! 👍
 30 April 2021, 22:36
Ingmar Stöhr
Wow!!! What a lovely Tornado. Awesome!
 30 April 2021, 22:39
Stefan Schacht
well done
 30 April 2021, 22:41
Mark D
Great looking Tornado, and a good example that with careful building and painting, you really do not need to throw all that aftermarket stuff to it to make it look great. (I'm usually tempted by that nice resin that is all around us, but it's not always necessary in my opinion.)
 1 May 2021, 09:55
I agree with everyone above. Everything just fine!
 1 May 2021, 10:06
Pete Evans
Fantastic job . I am about to start mine .
 1 May 2021, 12:18
What a clean fantastic job. The weathering is next level
 1 May 2021, 12:29
love it! my favorite camo scheme
 25 October 2021, 19:12
Edgaras Jurkonis
I love green Tornados. Not that many around though. Would You mind sharing colour choice for camo?
 19 February, 10:25

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