Wim van der Luijt 作者Like I said, I'll do a mig 21 or an A-10.... Or both
1 April 2014, 19:19
BCool!! 1/48?
1 April 2014, 20:40
1 April 2014, 20:55
Clifford KeeslerI will do something other than a TOMCAT. LOL.
1 April 2014, 21:07
BMike said he's doing a Tomcat
1 April 2014, 23:21
Wim van der Luijt 作者The last one also comes with real decal options, not just the bunny
3 April 2014, 18:25
Wim van der Luijt 作者I'm doing the A-10!....now where is that tube of putty? 😉
3 April 2014, 19:15