Tim VereeckeNice chopper Roland! This one is also on my todo list, and I like the scenery you created here. Thx for sharing
19 February 2012, 16:58
Bill GilmanWow, nice work Roland! Beautiful job!
19 February 2012, 17:28
scalematesdon't forget to attach this one to a project😉
19 February 2012, 17:57
iceNice! Very lively scenery and well done painting. Which colors did you use for the camo?
19 February 2012, 21:35
Patrick DuveThe model is great. I especially like the pilots.
19 February 2012, 21:45
Roland Roth 作者The camo-colours, ice, are Gunze Acrylics.
20 February 2012, 00:25
27 September 2013, 19:01
AugieNice going 🙂
27 September 2013, 19:05
Burkhard DSieht Klasse aus! 👍👍👍
28 September 2013, 00:03
Roland Roth 作者Thanks for the very kind comments, mates. It is even his biggest critics, with the PAVE HAWK I was even happy with my performance 😳
28 September 2013, 08:37
Rui SAnother Beautifull 1/35 Dio 👍
5 February, 20:22