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Tamiya Model Magazine 43

Tamiya Model Magazine


Tamiya Model Magazine
43 | August-September 1994


News | Page 4
News desk

Shows to visit and a tributeto two friends of Tamiya

Build Report, 1:6  | Page 8
Rider on the storm

by Danial Ketch
Blazing hair and black leather feature in this dramatic vinyl version on the comic strip Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider Marvel Comics
Horizon Original 1:6
HC024 1993 新模具

Build Report, 1:6  | Page 10

by Keith Bristow
Figure modelling in the extreme care of Keith Bristow and Comet Miniatures
Comet Miniatures 1:6

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 12
Light the blue touch paper

by Angus Creighton
Dragon model the terrifying WWII Natter
Ba349A Natter w/Launch Tower
Dragon 1:48
5516 1993 新模具

News | Page 15
Book reviews

Reference material suitable for the modeller

Build Report, 1:15  | Page 16
Safety in numbers

by Marcus Nicholls
The diminutive M3 Stuart comes to resin care of Verlinden
M3A1 Stuart
Verlinden Productions 1:15
889 199* 新模具

Build Report, 1:24  | Page 21
Porsche's people mover

by Marcus Nicholls
Hasegawa model a classic - the 1967 Beetle
Volkswagen Beetle Type 1 (1967)
Hasegawa 1:24
21203 (HC-3) 1990 新模具

Build Report, 1:8  | Page 22

by Keith Bristow
Manga is the Japanese comic cult that started series like Akira. We review the Powerbike from the animated film
Akira - Turbo bike and Tetsuo
Comet Miniatures 1:6

Build Report, 1:6  | Page 26
Californian custom

by Mike Miller
Tamiya's Harley undergoes an American transformation...
Harley-Davidson FLH1200 Police Bike 1973
Tamiya 1:6
16009 1976 新零件

Build Report, 1:24  | Page 28
Cobra strike

by Andy Mathews
See it to believe it - Andy Mathews' awesome 1:24 AC Cobra

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 30
Tropical mix

by Geoff Coughlin
The desert version of Tamiya's Spitfire MkVb
Spitfire Mk.Vb Trop.
Tamiya 1:48
61035 1994 新零件

News | Page 32
Show time

A full report on the Shizuoka Hobby Show

Build Report, 1:20  | Page 34
Chapman's legacy

by Simon Mosedale
The Lotus 107B was the car to set Lotus back to the top - but eventually was disappointing, Simon Mosedale builds Tamiya's 1:20 model
Lotus 107B Ford
Tamiya 1:20
20038 1994 新模具

News | Page 36
New releases extra

A selection on fantasy and military models

Reference | Page 38
TMMI's Marcus Nicholls visits the Mildenhall airshow to capture an interesting batch of aircraft detail shots...

by Marcus Nicholls

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 40
Eye in the sky

by Geoff Coughlin
Geoff Coughlin builds Fujumi's EC-2 Hawkeye
E-2C Hawkeye "Independence"
Fujimi 1:72
31013 (Q-10) 1993 新贴花

Build Report, 1:700  | Page 42
Shokaku carrier

by Graham Dixey
The flagship of the IJN modelled by Graham Dixey
Japanese Aircraft Carrier
Zuikaku 瑞鶴 Water Line Series | Pearl Harbor Attack
Tamiya 1:700
31223 (223) 2011 新零件

Build Report, 1:6  | Page 44
The big Thor

by Keith Bristow
The Marvel Comics vital Viking from Horizon
The Mighty
Thor Marvel Comics
Horizon Original 1:6
HOR025 1993 新模具

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 46
Rolled steel

by Angus Creighton
Tamiya's definitive Pather G in an unusual form
Panther Type G Steel Wheel Version
Tamiya 1:35
35174 1994 新零件

News | Page 50
New releases

The latest kits on the market

Editorial | Page 52

The latest letters plus Vic and Ray

Editorial | Page 54

This issue aimed at aircraft fand