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Scale Aviation Modeller International Volume 26 Issue 01

Scale Aviation Modeller International


Scale Aviation Modeller International
Volume 26 Issue 01 | January 2020


Build Report, 1:48  | Page 6
Canadian Cougar

by Vini Pompeo
Vini Pompeo builds and weathers the 1/48 Kinetic CF-188A in the markings of No.410 Squadron RCAF
Kinetic 1:48
K48030 2016 新零件

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 14
Diamondbacks Scooter

by Kenji Yanai
Kenji Yanai builds the 1/48 Hasegawa US Marine Corps A-4M Skyhawk
A-4M Skyhawk [U.S.M.C. Attacker]
Hasegawa 1:48
07233 (PT-33) 2019 新零件

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 18
Soviet Winter is Coming

by Mac Patterson
Mac Patterson builds the 1/48 Eduard Weekend Edition of the I-16 type 24
I-16 Type 24 Weekend Edition
Eduard 1:48
8468 2009 新贴花

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 24
P-38F Oriole

by Snorre Sandviken
Snorre Sandviken builds the 1/48 Academy P-38F
P-38F Lightning "Glacier Girl"
Academy 1:48
12208 (12208-15000) 2005 新贴花

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 28
Soviet Razorback

by Snorre Sandviken
Snorre Sandviken builds the 1/48 Tamiya P-47D Thunderbolt
Republic P-47D Thunderbolt "Razorback"
Tamiya 1:48
61086 2002 新模具

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 32
Silence of the SAMS

by Kitti Tatsumaki
Kitti Tatsumaki builds the 1/72 Hasegawa F-16CJ 'Wild Weasel' Viper
F-16CJ [Block 50] Fighting Falcon [U.S. Air Force Tactical Fighter]
Hasegawa 1:72
00448 (D18) 2008 新的盒子

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 44
Harrier AV-8A

by Daniel Croke
Daniel Croke reviews the 1/72 Italeri Harrier AV-8A
AV-8A Harrier
Italeri 1:72
1410 2019 新零件

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 45
Junkers Ju 86 E1/E2

by Nick Aronica
Nick Aronica reviews the 1/72 Italeri Junkers Ju 86 E1/E2
Ju 86 E1/E2
Italeri 1:72
1391 2018 新贴花

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 46
Yakovlev Yak-1B

by Roman Schilhart
Roman Schilhart reviews the 1/72 Brengun Yakovlev Yak-1B. Photographs by Wolfgang Rabel.
Yakovlev Yak-1b
Brengun 1:72
BRP72038 2019 新零件

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 48
A Late Bf 109

by Roman Schilhart
Roman Schilhart reviews the 1/72 AZ Model Messerschmitt Bf-109 G-10 'Erla'. Photographs by Wolfgang Rabel.
AZ 7615
Messerschmitt Bf 109G-10 Erla Block 49 Early
AZmodel 1:72
AZ 7615 (AZ7615) 2019 新零件

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 50
Ciao Pinocchio!

by Robert Podkonski
Robert Podkonski reviews the 1/48 AMP Piaggio-Pegna Pc.7
Piaggio-Pegna PC.7 Schneider Trophy series
UA AMP 1:48
48011 2019 新模具

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 52
Fokker D.VII (OAW)

by Thomas Tirtaine
Thomas Tirtaine reviews the 1/72 Eduard Fokker D.VII (OAW)
Fokker D.VII (OAW) ProfiPack Edition
Eduard 1:48
8131 2010 新的盒子

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 54
Fw 190A-5 'Jabo'

by Ade Bailey
Ade Bailey reviews the 1/48 Eduard Fw 190A-5 'Jabo'
Jabo (Fw 190A-5/U3, A-5/U8) Limited Edition
Eduard 1:48
11131 2019 新零件

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 56
Bf 109E-4

by Ben Alerson
Ben Alerson reviews the 1/48 Eduard Bf 109E-4 Weekend Series
Bf 109E-4 Weekend Edition
Eduard 1:48
84153 2019 新零件

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 70
Quickbuild Sonia

by Michael Chilestone
Michael Chilestone builds Wingsy 1/48 Mitsubishi Ki-51A Sonia 'Assault/Recon Plane'.
Mitsubishi Ki-51 "Sonia" IJA Type 99 assault/recon. plane
UA Wingsy Kits 1:48
D5-05 2019 新零件