The Edsel
September 4, 2023Primed and ready for paintjob2
September 4, 2023Engineblok half way3
September 19, 2023First color is on and a lot of glossy Black painted4
September 19, 2023The workplace5
September 21, 20236
September 21, 2023Aluminium and steel7
September 21, 2023Ready8
September 21, 2023The color is on, next step Chrome striping and high gloss clear coat9
October 22, 2023Crome trim painted more or less ok10
October 22, 2023Spent a lot of time masking but now the red is on and soon the grey primer will be White ! Also airbrushed the matt black.11
October 29, 2023The block is in and front wheel construction ready12
October 29, 2023OH NO, made a big mistake for the first time! A few weeks ago, i put the motor together and that was that. Now i wanted to put the block in but it doesn't fit. The oil pan was the wrong way round. Clipped some parts out and it was ok, not the best way maybe but for me the only way this time. Better pay attention next time.13
October 29, 2023The two tone is ready en the chrome is partly on.14
October 29, 202315
October 30, 2023The carpet is in and Chrome trim painted, cabin put together16
November 3, 2023Battery finished17
November 3, 2023Cabin ready and on the frame18
November 3, 2023WOW, first time a finish with zeropaint. What a great result!19
November 18, 2023READY20
November 18, 202321
November 18, 202322
November 18, 202323
November 18, 202324
November 18, 2023
21 4 September 2023, 16:34

Looks amazing. Incredible job to get such a result from an old AMT kit!
18 November 2023, 15:55