MiG-21MF Fishbed J, ex. NVA Luftstreitkräfte der DDR
Photo 1 of 79
25 27 December 2023, 18:25

I love the "additions" from the birds! 👍 How did you achieve the worn paint effects along the spine? I only ask because it looks more subtle than just chipping fluid.
27 December 2023, 19:39

Thank you gentlemen for your kind words, I appreciate it 🙂
John ----- I used maskol, probably from Humbrol, but I don't remember anymore, the surface was painted with several shades of aluminum and protected with a clear varnish. Here is the link to the Work in Progress folder on my Facebook page. facebook.com/media/s..424692048&type=3
28 December 2023, 11:40
Album info
Museum Exhibit - MiG-21MF Fishbed J, ex. NVA Luftstreitkräfte der DDR (Luftstreitkräfte der Nationalen Volksarmee der Deutsche Demokratische Republik)