RAF WWII VC Winners - F.O. Donald Garland V.C. and Sgt Thomas Gray V.C.
35 19 January 2024, 16:54

Found kits bomb-bay doors too curved and thick to use so cut some from plastic card.
29 January 2024, 22:32

Interesting technique on those figures. Using 3 to for variations of the same color works well.
30 January 2024, 01:02

Cheers #Skyhiker, as the figures are so small and are in a tiny cockpit with thick canopies they are hard to see so I use old figure painting style with high contrast 😁 glad you found interesting
30 January 2024, 06:10

I've heard if you want a nice vibrant yellow you should try undercoating in Pink 😵💫 well these early WWII high explosive bombs need to be yellow so out with the pink 🤪
30 January 2024, 17:24

Well they are yellow. I should have left one with grey primer to compare with the pink 🙄. The yellow did seam to cover the pink quickly in just a few light coats so perhaps it works
31 January 2024, 04:55

A pink undercoat gives a warmer hue to the yellow. For the purest yellow a white undercoat works best. A light grey will dull the yellow slightly.A black undercoat will give you a green hue and take many coats to cover.
31 January 2024, 06:05

Trying a different way with using masks for marking. This time trying to paint marking prior to the camouflage colours. Hope I don't leave white rings 🤞
5 February 2024, 20:45

Cheers #Cuajete
Now the brown is on, hopefully in the right places I'll attempt to make my own masks for the green
7 February 2024, 21:03

One thing I've just learnt in try to make own masks, is to number the elements as you do them on both the plan and in your cutting software. That way when you move them all about to fit in smaller more efficient space so you know which mask is which especially when you have rotated some, this was learnt the hard way 🤣
Just hope they work now
8 February 2024, 07:02

@Sy very interested in what you used to create the masks, what is like a cricut machine or similar? And how did you manage to measure out the scale? I have access to a family members cricut and have thought about attempting it for masking, but still nervous.
10 February 2024, 00:28

Thanks all
#Michael Schubert
I make use of a printer/copier to roughly scale up the decal plans in the kit instructions. I take several measurements off the model, wing length/width etc, then compare them to the plan measurements to get a scale (divide one by the other) I then enlarge to plan by this scale via a copier and it's enlarge option.
Once I have plans to same scale of the model I use my Brother "Scan-n-cut" machine to scan them into its software "Canvas". I trace the patterns in the software and finally cut them out on the cutter using Ormask 810 stencil film.
Wow that sound more complex than it is and in writing this I just realised I could do it all via the Scan-N-Cut machine and it's software, by using the machine to scan the plan make the mask patterns then scaling them all in the software Canvas.
I like the Scan-N-Cut as you can set a half cut so it doesn't cut straight through but only the film. I don't know the exact workings of the Cricut but I'd imagine they work similar as they seam popular in SCM.
As usual there are good YouTube vids on doing this search creating masks for model kits, or some such thing. Good luck learning new techniques.
P.S. a new technique I tried this time was after I applied the mask I sprayed a thin layer of mat varnish to seal the mask and create sharp edges by prevent the next colour bleeding under the mask. It seamed to work but must be thin coats as you could build up ridge along colour boundaries if not careful but these can be knock back with careful sanding which can be easier than fixing bleed through.
Hope all this doesn't put you off giving it a go, as it's good fun and leads to all sorts of possible personal masking options
10 February 2024, 09:49

Sounds like a good challenge! Thanks for taking the time to explain it mate 👍
10 February 2024, 10:44

Thanks to all for kind words I'll call this small tribute finished.
I'd like to add one last remembrance to this item, while two crew were awarded the VC as they were "decision makers" we should all remember the rear gunner ('along for the ride') who also paid the ultimate price of doing his duty -
Leading Aircraftman Lawrence Royston Reynolds
We will remember them
11 February 2024, 07:05