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Jonathan (tourdeairfix)

Firefly Vc

Photo 1 of 28


18 22 May 2024, 13:25
Carlos Cisneros
When standard Sherman's were rebuilt into Fireflies in British workshops, they would have been repainted into the British Olive Drab SCC 15.
 24 May 2024, 02:38
Jonathan 作者
It looks like my workshop only had tins of the Khaki Green available 🤷‍♂️. Ive not come across British Olive Drab. How did it compare to the US Army's version? Then again, I note that my bottle of Vallejo Olive Green has no nationality. Either way, I'm so far liking the different look and feel of this Khaki tone and when sat alongside a US Sherman it will stand out as being a little different which is definitely what I want 😊
 24 May 2024, 07:56
Carlos Cisneros
The British version is greener in color compared to the US shade. I know that lighting will change how it looks.
AK makes Olive Drab SCC 15 in both their Real Color and 3rd Gen lines, as does Mig Ammo. But yes, it should certainly look different next to a US Sherman in color. What paints are you using? You mentioned tins…. Humbrol? Revell? Xtracolor?
I must add that your Firefly is looking real good so far!
 24 May 2024, 15:49
Jonathan 作者
Thanks Carlos. My go to paints are Vallejo, but for the khaki green, I've found a WW2 set of AK paints which have sprayed really nicely.
 24 May 2024, 18:04
Carlos Cisneros
I've been looking at trying those AK acrylics when I can find some. Nice to hear some firsthand feedback on them. Their Real Color line is fabulous for airbrushing when thinned with Mr Leveling Thinner.
 24 May 2024, 20:31

Album info

Dragon’s 1:35 scale Firefly Vc

28 图片
1:35 Firefly Vc (Dragon 6182)1:35 British Figures (3D Gizmo 1)
Sherman Firefly Vc
GB British Army (1660-now)
13/18 Royal Hussars, 27 Arm. Brig. T 228789 Carole
1944 World War 2»Liberation of France - Normandy FR
S.C.C. No. 15 Olive Drab


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