HMS Peacock WIP

Hi Guus, thanx, but your very nice aircraft models you post here on scalemates belie your statement 😉
Cheers, Christian

Wonderful work, Christian! The Peacock is one of Britains most good looking ships!

Thanx Holger! Mmhhh, this class is a bit unusual for British style warships, but yes they look quite well. My favourites are, Black Swan class and Typ 21 frigates. They are well designed and good looking ships. Cheers, Christian

I usually dont like anything of british engineering (tanks, aircraft, ships, dont know why!) but this ship really catches my eyes!

I really like theire boats, planes and tanks. Most of them have a unique design following their mission profile without any flourish. It looks really straight and clear.

What a job you did so far, especialy on the cranes .
I hope you'll show us more pictures of this ship soon!

Hi Aghis, hi Lionel, thank you very much for your interest and very kind comments. No progress at the moment, but I will go ahead on the comming weekend - so stay tuned 😉
Cheers, Christian

I start using Vallejo Acrylics as well for my ship models. I the past I used WEM Colorcoats, a very good paint with a wide range of authentic colors. But working with Acrylics has some advantages, no use of stinky thinners and a fast drying color. The disadvantage, no authentic Naval colors. I found some good equivalents to RN colors but no modern one. For a few days I tried Vallejo Model Air 710046 Palegrey mixed 5:2 to 5:1 with 71008 Paleblue. Comparing the result with some photos of RN ships I have made last year in Portsmouth and Plymouth the result is nearly perfect.

Thanx Mike! Now I'm looking forward to Mad Petes HMS Leeds Castle😢

Thank you very much Norbert and Ulf for your very kind comment. Glad you like it 🙂
Album info
For a few days I have got Atlantic Models HMS Peacock in scale 1/350. The nice little kit is a good choice for an in between build . The kit contains 3 resin and 10 white metal parts and a PE fret. The casting of the resin parts is very good, but the white metal parts need a lot of attention to clean up because of their rough surface.
This week I start cleaning up, sanding and fitting the resin parts. I add locators and M4 screws to fix the upper works to the hull. Next I took a closer look to the boat crane. Following a research for some 1:1 photos of the Peacock class, I decide to build this striking part of the boat deck new. Some styrene profiles, patience, a comparison to the kits white metal part and some good reference photos lead me to a good result. I replaced the kits Oto Melara by the one of Academys OHP Frigate. The plastic parts looks more better than the white metal part. Next to reference photos I add some more details to the Oto Melara and also to the boats upper works and the deck. The cas