workshop - Hetzer (mid)
13 22 March, 20:14

Wow, camouflage looks great., very realistic. I'm curious as to how you managed this.
1 28 March, 08:10

Sorry for the impertinence 😉 but this is the result of a sure hand with an airbrush 😄 Only "ambush" I did from a stencil cut from Tamiya tape. Unfortunately, it's not perfect... Sometimes I have trouble "vacuuming"....
1 28 March, 08:47

Thanks for sharing your experiences. I see no imperfections and if there are any they only add to the realism of the model. If I understood correctly, the camouflage was applied in the field. Conditions will not have been ideal all the time either. In my humble opinion, it is important that imperfections are also to scale. This seems to be the case here.
1 28 March, 09:23