F-16C BLOCK 32, 64th AGGRESSOR Squadron Leader project
Photo 1 of 42
20 February 2013, 04:02

My airbrush craped it self so i can only paint it all gray 🙁
24 February 2013, 01:25

I know man im not shaw whats wrong with it, it just started to coff and fart spluging spalshes of paint over my work, it wont hold a soled stream of paint it cuts out, mite be my aircompresser just when i worked my self up to do my firs camo paint job it dose this must been i sign hahaha
24 February 2013, 11:14

And yes i keep it spot less o did drop it tho u think that could do it?!
24 February 2013, 11:16

One with a storage tank like uld use to pump up a car tyer
25 February 2013, 05:02

do you have a moisture filter as well? That can be a problem sometimes.
25 February 2013, 07:28

Um i think ill look in to it proply mite rip my compressor as a sorce of the problem
25 February 2013, 10:10

Yep now i droped my second one im gonna tie a string around my neck to my new airbrush so it wont happen agian lucky no 3 ay
23 July 2015, 10:42