Anchorage IPMS Annual Contest & show
Photo 1 of 42
26 February 2013, 01:00

Thanks for sharing the pictures Greg and congrats with your prices. looks a nice and friendly convention. Keep up the good work man
Greetz Phil
26 February 2013, 07:38

Well done!!! and thanks for sharing🙂 Some mighty fine builds there👍
26 February 2013, 07:48

wicked thanks for sharing, this may sound stupid but was that white space ship thing hovering on a magenet thing?? o_O
26 February 2013, 23:28

Yes it sure was! I bought an electromagnet that has a 2nd magnet platform that hovers about 1.5". I built a landing pad and made it look like something the Orion space shuttle would land on. Thats from the movie 2001 Space Odyssey. The magnet holds up 12 oz or so, and I'll use it for something else next year! Prertty cool huh? Here's where I bought it from:
It ran me $179 plus shipping.
27 February 2013, 01:11

Thx for sharing. Do you have any other pic's of that white-blue F-16? Strange colors...
27 February 2013, 11:47

Blue F-16. No but I will shoot more today and post. That is a US aggressor with Russian colors used for training in Fairbanks, Alaska. All the F-16s are supposed to move down to Anchorage next year. I'll get to see that jet fly over my house! 🙂
27 February 2013, 18:44
Album info
Every year for the winter festival here in Anchorage my model club puts on their model contest and show at the Anchorage Senior Center. I entered 9 models, got 8 blue ribbons (1st place in that catagory), 1 red ribbon (2nd place) one best of division, and two 2nd best of division ribbons. Overall there were over 150 entries.
Enjoy the photos and let me know if you have any questions.
The club website: