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Dirk Heyer (Vlat)

15. Modellbautage Oberschleissheim 2013

Photo 1 of 36


1 18 March 2013, 16:00
Hubert Ortinger
Ta, leider warst Du an Deinem Stand nicht anzutreffen!?
 18 March 2013, 16:23
Mike Kryza
Hi Dirk - you`re absolutely quick 😄 - I need a little more time... - But I think we have had some very nice hours...
 18 March 2013, 16:26
Dirk Heyer 作者
@Hubert: Du warst da und ich habe Dich nicht getroffen!! Aaaarghh!
Yes, of course and I`m proud to meet you in OS, Mike! It was truly a nice time in friendly atmosphere! It was too short only! 🙂
 18 March 2013, 16:30
Michel Huijghe
I love that Henshel and Blinder.🙂
 18 March 2013, 16:31
Steve Wilson
Hi Dirk.
As I told Harry Eder, some wonderful models there thanks for posting👍🙂
 18 March 2013, 16:40
Frank Krause
Thanks for the pics, Dirk! And it was nice meeting you and Marina, Mike, Ingmar and, and, and there! Great exhibition, nice atmosphere, and very nice people!
 18 March 2013, 16:45
Hi Dirk nur so wenige Bilder ??? ..... mehr bitte, bitte,...
 18 March 2013, 16:50
Dirk Heyer 作者
🙂 🙂
 18 March 2013, 16:50
jetzt erstmal die Beute ins Stash eingeben?
 18 March 2013, 16:53
Dirk Heyer 作者
HEHE!! Na klar!!! Viele kleine Schnäppchen gemacht! 🙂
 18 March 2013, 16:55
Mike Kryza
@Dirk - hihi...and you've met the mysterious Marina K. ... 😄
 18 March 2013, 17:19
Dirk Heyer 作者
Aaah yes, the mysterious Marina! Main actress of the secret world!
 18 March 2013, 17:50
Christian Lehmann
Nice Pics Dirk. Thanks for showing.
@Mike and Dirk: Wasn´t able to come a second time to your booth. Little Lemmy rushed me all the time to go to the cildrens modelling area. Spent 2 hours there. She enjoyed it 🙂
 18 March 2013, 17:56
Dirk Heyer 作者
Cool, what did she built??
 18 March 2013, 17:59
Christian Lehmann
A naboo fighter and a modell railroad house. It was a real sucessful daughter &dad day. At the end was proud because her dad made the 1st place in the competiotion.
 18 March 2013, 18:09
Dirk Heyer 作者
My congratulation! With your Heinkel He 219???
 18 March 2013, 18:12
Christian Lehmann
 18 March 2013, 18:17
Christian Lehmann
And thank´s
 18 March 2013, 18:21
Holger Kranich
Great pix!
And congrats to you, Lemmy!
 18 March 2013, 18:45
Stefan Schneider
Thx for sharing!
 18 March 2013, 18:46
Christian Lehmann
Thank´s Holgi
 18 March 2013, 18:55
Mike Kryza
@ Lemmy - Congratulation - Btw. what kind of fuel need your book - 😄
I hope I could upload my pics tomorrow...
 18 March 2013, 19:01
Christian Lehmann
Thank´s Mike. It needs 40 octane Havana club 😉
 18 March 2013, 19:05
Bill Gilman
Thanks for sharing, Dirk! The last time I was at Oberschleissheim, I picked up a flyer for this exhibition. Unfortunately, I was not able to come over and attend. I hope you all had a good time. 🙂 🙂
 18 March 2013, 23:10
Dirk Heyer 作者
Thx Bill!
Yes we had a good time! Friendly modelling mates, talks about modelling and sharing kit news and lurking behind my models to intercept curious visitors 😄
Only the place for the exhibitors was extremely tight!.
Nevertheless, an amazing atmosphere!!! I like the smell of old oil in the morning! 🙂
 19 March 2013, 08:41
Steve Wilson
My problem is I can remember that smell of old oil when it was new!!!🙁
 19 March 2013, 08:44
Holger Kranich
 19 March 2013, 08:55

Album info

as we cannot post our pictures of the same exhibition in one and the same thread, I ll add my OS album too! 🙂
Enjoy and have fun.....


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