29 September 2013, 19:12

Ooo I have to say I like the lines... dont think I've ever seen that on a model
29 September 2013, 19:30

Just google "Jagdpanther camo" and you'll find all sorts of interesting camo schemes 🙂 this one was (according to the forum post i got this pic from) used by sPzJgAbt 654 in Oct 1944 in Grafenwöhr. This post has a bunch of other schemes.
30 September 2013, 04:42

Found a article here on SM about a Jagdpanther in this awesome looking camo. *drool*
30 September 2013, 15:16

End, I would go for it. I'm doing something like that for a Panther.
MyAlbum | Album by wyoroy (1:35)
30 September 2013, 16:37

Hehe, yepp - the pyjama Jagdpanther is a nice idea. It's also on my schedule.
30 September 2013, 17:00

Does anyone hve more examples of this kind of camo scheme? I kind of like the pyjama camo in World of Tanks.. I have uploaded a pic of a JgPz IV in this scheme.. I'm not sure about the accuracy of that particular scheme.. Haven't seen it on a photo from that era..
21 October 2013, 17:43

Boxart of the new Jagdpanther from Dragon Jagdpanther G2 (Dragon 6609, 1:35). Ron Volstad, the artist of the boxart, is known for his thorough research.
21 October 2013, 21:32

Thanks, i was just reading a review of an earlier jagdpanther kit by Dragon, and it even had pics of the camo schemes..
21 October 2013, 21:55