2´nd Annual Scalemates Meeting 2014 Wangerooge
Photo 1 of 25
5 March 2014, 18:47

Every journey starts with the first step, Dave! Start walking...😉 We're waiting!
5 March 2014, 20:35

Muzzle Club!!! Lol!!
It seems it will be a pure-bred men event????
6 March 2014, 08:49

We shall be bred men? LOL! I hoped so!
But believe it or not, one bred women will join us! I hope she will look after us and our behavior!😢
6 March 2014, 09:00

Oh she has all my sympathy!!!!
One civilized women and a bunch of men staring at Gamma Goats! LOL!!
6 March 2014, 10:24

Ein Wort Spiel!!!
Es gibt den Film mit Clooney " Männer die auf Ziegen starren." Und der Gamma Goat ist das neueste 35er Modell von Tamiya.
6 March 2014, 10:37

LSD im Trinkwasser... Was für Filme schaust Du?
Den muss ich mir auch ansehen!!! Scheint cool zu sein!😄
6 March 2014, 10:54

Juhu, das gibt ja eine richtige Ätzteilorgie auf der Insel! Da sollten wir die Teile vorher farblich markieren, damit wir auf dem Boden kriechend wissen, welche wohin gehören... 😄 😄
6 March 2014, 11:05

Da gebe ich Dir vollkommen Recht, Joons!
Mal gut das es hier keine "Metalleinfuhrsteuer" gibt!😢
6 March 2014, 12:06

Does anyone have some drawings of the VK 16.02, by chance? The results from the net are not so satisfying...
Ok, its a paper panzer and i can nearly do what i want but it would be very appreciated if someone can provide me with a drawing...
6 March 2014, 15:24

I´m shure Steve likes it... unless the "M-team" gets something bigger 😄
I´ve just tried a quick search... [img1]
No clue how accurate this is, or which version, but there is amlost no info in there anyway, apart from some basic dimensions...
6 March 2014, 15:42

Ha! ha! ha! LOL!!! (((😄 )))
Nice one Fabian...
That's one way of dealing with Red Bulls dominance, not very aerodynamic though😢
6 March 2014, 15:49

Thanks, Fabian!
Steve, i knew you will love it! With this one, its no problem to start from the last place of the grid!😢
7 March 2014, 08:55

...and here are some pics of my ´lil VK 16.02...
Its a great kit with a remarable fit!!!
24 March 2014, 10:33

Lookin' great mate!
One strange question though. Where did you find the muzzle for the Muzzle Club banner? I'm pretty sure that I'm the one that have made that picture a long time ago but I can't remember for what. It must be all the grey hairs messin' with my memory.
24 March 2014, 11:16

Thank you guys, i´m pleased with the build, so far!
Urban, do you remember my StuG IV build in 1:72? The kit had an obsolete big muzzle and you created the "Muzzle Club Banner" for this build!😄😄
24 March 2014, 12:08

Hi Holger!
What kind of plan are you looking for? Ther's a nice one in panzertracts 20-2 on the panzer papers, as a full history of this vehicle.
Anyway, your kit is really well done
24 March 2014, 18:44

Hi Lionel,
thx for the hint! I have a copy from the Panzer Tracks issue, very informative, indeed!
And thanks for your comment!🙂
26 March 2014, 09:15

Thank ya Urban!
The Voyager pe set is very comprehend, i have not build the half of the frets...
But the fit is great! This pe's where a pure fun to build and some still have to be added...😢
27 March 2014, 19:29

Haha, my girlfriend is sleeping in the livingroom, so i can creep upstairs and lay my hands on the model...😢
27 March 2014, 19:32

I dont hope it, Babak!😢
I adore hear and she understands that i also adore modeling...!🙂
27 March 2014, 19:55

Heel wat bedankt, Christian!
Nee, hebb ick noch nicht fertig gebracht denn mien Deern is hier und da wullt ick de tied mit ihr hebben! Ut Bremen is sie west... Da hebb ick nicht veel von ihr...
27 March 2014, 20:04

@Ingmar: Dat platt dat wullt we di wohl wiesen. Den kümmst do noch een twee mol na wangerooge un denn löpt dat!
27 March 2014, 20:31

A review of the Meeting is available here, sorry just in german.... :
31 March 2014, 14:04

Ik als Hollander kan het prima verstaan 😉 (to use a different Germanic dialect), like the review on panzermodell...
31 March 2014, 17:33

You are multi lingual, Wim. I like that!
And as you could see, the meeting was very productive for some of us... I just collected some experiance in bending photoetch... That Voyager pe set really kicked a**!😢
31 March 2014, 18:24

Holger: This will become a wonderfull model! Outstanding work!
5 April 2014, 17:23

Oh boys, thank you very much!
But there is still a lot of work to do...
Painting the tools, shorten the tracks, applying some filters, more washings, etc...
But its a funkit!
5 April 2014, 17:43

Hi Holger, great job! Really not my theme these paper panzers but your work is an eyecatcher!
5 April 2014, 17:47

Holger, that`s interesting... How many links did you put out of the tracks ?
5 April 2014, 17:58

Looks great! Have to find some time to finish my builds from Wangerooge.
5 April 2014, 21:04

@Acki:Glad you like it!
@Christian: Amusing Hobby said that i had to assemble 71 tracklinks together, now i have to shorten the track by 5 links. The distance of sprocket and ilderwheels is ok, so i dont know why the track is too long...
@Jonns: Oh you will see more these days! (When i find enough time to get into the mancave!)😢
@Ingmar: Thank you! How far is the progress of your Brummbär actually?
@Jan: Yep, i used a sponge and some different shades of black. All done with AK and Vallejo´s. But i still have to set the tone...😢
6 April 2014, 06:21

I did not work on any of the builds since the return from Wangerooge 🙁
I was busy with a special Project. I will post some pictures during the next days. 😉
6 April 2014, 08:47

Ooeeeh!! A 5cm gun ( variant of the PaK38 ) on a heavy chassis!! Now that I like! 👍
The 5cm PaK38 is the gun I favor the most (see my avatar!) 😄 not because it was effective. It wasn't. In fact, it was soon discovered that it was useless against, f.i., the T34 and any other at that time modern / new Russian armor. But that PaK38 gun just looks really good (IMHO, of course) 😄
Very nice job on the PE and detailing! 👍 👍
6 April 2014, 09:39

A Puma / panther cross breed, brought to life in scale by Holger! Looks very good!
6 April 2014, 09:46

Hey John!
You are a fan of that 5cm´s too? Cool! I fell in love wth the L60 version! Its just looking perfect! My next project will carry one, too... A PzKpfw III Ausf L DAK 😄
6 April 2014, 10:59

The tracks are on now... was a hard part to work on... Now their weathering is starting!
6 April 2014, 20:03

All due respect Holger, this looks like competition build to me. No need to hold yourself back. If this would be mine build, I would compete the crap out of it.
7 April 2014, 13:01

Thank you very much, David!!!
But lets wait till this one is finished, i´m sure that i screw it somehow!ROFL!😢
7 April 2014, 13:17

Tracks are on, Tools are painted. This is the first time i painted them whilst glued to the model. That was a weird experience but it worked fine so far!
Now only minor parts have to be added like screws, starantenna etc...
Seems as this one will soon be finished!😄
2 May 2014, 13:04

Some new shots are online, have a look at the starantenna, the finest pe i ever worked with! The Voyager set is remarably good!
8 May 2014, 08:50

not bad, but I think that the part requires quite a while ... 😄 😄😉
8 May 2014, 11:21

Oh dude´s you are so kind, i cant wait to get home and continue working on it!
8 May 2014, 12:09

I also really like Voyager PE sets! They are very good quality and real easy to work with. The brass is not too thick AND not to thin! Annealing parts is usually not required either 🙂
That is really top notch work there, Holger!! I absolutely LOVE the way the tracks turned out! They look very realistic! 👍 👍
8 May 2014, 12:26

Aghis, Christian, Barkmann, honestly, it feels good to hear that from you, my motivation runs wild to finish this one! Its actually 30centimeter away from me and is waiting for coate of matt varnish and pigments, pigments, pigments...😢😄😄
8 May 2014, 18:52

Oh hey, look at that! 😄
You did a real good job, especially on the PE. Love the extra additions you did too! I messed up my star antenna from the start... that thing curled up on me if I looked at it too long 🙂
28 May 2014, 18:19

The Voyager stuff was just a pleasure to deal with!
In this case, it was my first attempt in making a star antennae. With the bending tool from the kit, it was no problem to realise it. 🙂
28 May 2014, 18:27
Album info
This is my contribution to the next Scalemates Meeting.
Its time to get some Heavy Metal on the bench!
This time its about the VK 16.02 Leopard recon tank. This "paper panzer" has never seen production, exept of its turret which was used for the "Puma". I think the "Leopard" looks like a shrinked version or the "?lil Bro" of the Panther. The drive is the same, just shortened, like the Panther. I always had a soft spot for this paper tank... I hope one week of building is enough to finish it! Ok, Amusing Hobby, lets see what you can... 😉