1. Modellbaustammtisch Nord-West
12 April 2015, 11:42

Great models! Thanks for sharing! Good luck with the future "Modellbaustammtisch"s! 🙂
12 April 2015, 17:49

Thx, mates.
It's realy good to meet other fellow modellers in real live.
There has been a lot of joking and conversation.
Who wants to join is hereby invited. 😄
My favourite models werde the 1/144 Tomaten and the 1/32 Bf 109, from weich don't habe a good picture. 🙁
12 April 2015, 18:45

Das ist ja dicht an meiner alten Heimat. Wenn ich mal dort bin würde ich gerne vorbeischauen. Sonst noch jemand von SCM dabei? Tolle Modelle!
13 April 2015, 17:33

Ja, zumindest noch einer.
Wundert mich, dass der noch nichts weiter dazu gesagt hat hier.
13 April 2015, 18:29

Hi folks! I think that I will be Your guest as well. Only a short trip for me 😉
13 April 2015, 18:34

It Would be great and we all would be very pleased to meet all of you. Personally, i am very Looking Forward for the next Stammtisch Nord-West. If You come for a Visit, please let us know as early as possible. Maybe when we Are some more People the Hamburg guys are coming for a visit. And what about Wangerooge, wittmund, Wilhelmshaven, Jever, oldenburg, leer, Papenburg, Groningen , Bremen. Ands oon. Come on guys. Drive on the A28 and accelate once an you be there. We welcome you.
13 April 2015, 19:50

Sorry, here are some more photos of the event and also a smal drawing inside a Map so you can have a fast overlook where it is:
1. Modellbaustammtisch Nordwest | Album by schloddy23
13 April 2015, 20:45

Hello everone.
Off we go again. 😉
On Saturday, July 4th, there will be our second Modellbaustammtisch.
So whoever is interested is hereby invited to come over.
We´ll be meeting at 07:00PM at the "Grüner Jäger", Hollener Straße 36, 26670 Uplengen.
Only 4 minutes from the A28.
6 June 2015, 20:57

Nice model's. That Kathyusha at Berlin 1945, dio it's on hold?? 😉 is it not?? THX for sharing🙂
6 June 2015, 23:39

AFAIK it is on hold at the moment, but Sebastian Schl. wants to continue it within these days.
7 June 2015, 10:09

Hey, within these days, yes. Thats difficult to say. As i Said before the beginning of this project the weather is getting better and better. And if the weather ist good, i dont think of beeing much time on my workbench. But in this Moment the dio is already a bit further builded. The Street is complete and now i have to Fill the places between the Stones with "healearth" and then paint it. But when? Almost no time in the Moment. Bye bye and have a nice Sunday
7 June 2015, 16:16
Album info
The first meeting of our Modellbaustammtisch took its place yesterday at the "Grüner-Jäger" in Uplengen.
Though we´ve only been 5 people, it´s been an interessting evening with some realy nice models from different branches.
So here´s a short overview.
We´ve also decided, to hold our meeting on a regular base.
Every 3 months, on the first saturday of the month.
So the next meeting will be:
Sat. July 7th at 19:00h in Uplengen.
The "Grüner-Jäger" is only 4 minutes from the Autobahn 28 (OL-LER).
Who ever is interessted is hereby invited to join. 🙂