Omm Linz
1 20 June 2015, 13:26

This railcar ( OMM Linz) will be part of a larger project that will display an airplane packed on the railcar for transport. The plane is part of a seperate project.
Damaged Bf 109 | Album by Lemmy (1:48)
20 June 2015, 13:45

Thank´s Phil. The covering project started last year. i ghad a lot of breaks for research since then.
25 June 2015, 05:29

Cool railcar! A lot of work went into that one and it is paying off, looks really good!
25 June 2015, 13:06

Thanks again. I have to wait for the decals now. Could last some time because employes of german parcel are on strike.
25 June 2015, 15:35

Many thanks to all of you for your motivating coments.words. The plane is ready for painting. As written before I am waiting for the railcars markings in order to finish it.
I am also waiting for a book written by Emmanuel Nouallier to be studied before I start building the storehouse for the background of the arrangement. Nevertheless I am not wasting time and draw some sketches of the building.
29 June 2015, 19:52

Flugzeug und Waggon - eine super Kombination. Die Idee ist genial.
30 June 2015, 18:05

Danke Stefan! Die Szene spukt schon in meinem Kopf rum, seit ich mir mitte der 90'er die Wartungsanleitung für die Bf 109 gekauft habe. Dort ist enthalten, wie die Verladung beim Eisenbahntransport auszusehen hat. Seitdem habe ich Material zusammengetragen und letztes Jahr endlich die Muße gehabt zu beginnen.
30 June 2015, 19:25

Danke Jonns! Ist aber lange noch nicht fertig, da es Teil eines größeren Projektes ist.
11 July 2015, 12:01

Denke ich mir, die Lok feht ja noch und die Materialwaggons!😉
11 July 2015, 12:07

Also some small progress at the railcar, which is nearly finished
26 July 2015, 18:08

Last decal applied. Weathering is finished. Railcar is finished; Additional works will be documented in the dio album
" Coming Home" | Album by Lemmy (1:48)
2 August 2015, 20:02

This will also help to tone down the rust which looks more mintensive at the pic than in reality
2 August 2015, 20:33

What about a filter to be used on Panzer grey? The color is nearly the same.
2 August 2015, 20:38

yeah perhaps, it looked good in my minds eye 🙂
I was thinking that it might be stained by the rust and my thinking was a warmer filter,
perhaps more rusty than sandy then 🙂
either way I.m sure you'll make it look good 🙂
2 August 2015, 21:09

@ Guido and Choppa: Used some filter now to tone down the white of the letters=> last picture; looks better now
10 August 2015, 19:18

it does, so many lovely delicate features of the paintwork on this model, really does have a nice air of realism about it 🙂
10 August 2015, 20:47

This looks better and better as it gets near completion. Love the wagon.
11 August 2015, 16:59

Thanks Aghis. I am having four weeks vacation now. Target is to finish the whole project within this time.
11 August 2015, 17:04

Mike: Habe die Markierung aus verschiedenen Bögen zusmmengestellt, die ich bei gkauft habe.
11 August 2015, 17:07