Eduard Weekend Bf 109 E3 Trop
Photo 1 of 29
1 23 June 2015, 15:22

Ok, I'm totally failing at mottling... could you describe in detail how did you achieve that? Airbrush/compressor settings, paint, thinner ratio, etc... 🙂
23 June 2015, 15:35

These might help you Paulo 😄
Nice Schmitty btw Jens ! 🙂
23 June 2015, 15:38

And into the wishlist it goes! 🙂
But seriously, I get all sort of crap coming out of my airbrush. I put the .1mm needle on my Paasche VL last night for some tests and 12 drops of vallejo model ait brows, 12 drops of vallejo thinner and 1 drop of liquitex flow aid. It started almost nice with the absolute lowest pressure from the compressor, but then it started spraying droplets. What am I doing wrong?
23 June 2015, 15:46

Paolo, have you got a water trap fitted to the airline, also check the pressure that your generators set at!!!
23 June 2015, 15:51

Thx for the link Choppa! I see that its also available in 72! Good to know 😉
Btw. Nice progress Jens 😉
Edit: Sadly Eduard discontinued it 🙁
23 June 2015, 15:52

Color Gunze Hobby Color, H- XXX
Thinner isopropanol 70%
1 Body Color / 2 parts thinner
Pressure 1.0 / + / - 0.2 bar
Distance 0,5 - 1,5 cm
Pistolele Sand yellow Revell Master Class nozzle Fiene
RLM 80 spots with
nozzle 0.2
23 June 2015, 15:55

sorry my english
the spots are formed from letters
as the reason I paint an X, L, I, F or S
Line width about Pencil
then the spots are formed from the center
so you get irregular shapes
each new line starts in the middle
so is outside alas all very fine
23 June 2015, 16:01

With Vallejo or Live Color I also have big problems
Tamiya or Gunze are diluted with alcohol the better choice for me
23 June 2015, 16:06

Clever stuff Jens !!
But I think I shall have a go at making one of those masks ! 😄
23 June 2015, 16:08

the masks are too stiff to mask really close to the model ... a shame for the money
23 June 2015, 16:12

I'm pondering if I could make some out of thin plasticard... for different shapes.
23 June 2015, 17:01

sorry sorry , Google translate english 🙁
Tamiya Color needs a bit more thinner, depending on the gun you have to test this, the Iwata takes quite thick colors Evolution wants more thinner that Revell is a workhorse and tolerates a lot
but also look after the nozzle
sometimes accumulates there and the color speckles / Spraying
23 June 2015, 17:15

I reckon a soldering iron with a pointy bit would be ideal for making such a mask 🙂
23 June 2015, 17:48

sorry my english 😄 Great Thanks 🙂
@ Christian , ja die Black 8 , leider ist im Weekend Kit nur noch eine 70/02 Bf 109 dabei , für das Wüsten Camo wären ja noch einige Zahlen Codes denkbar
@ Martien , wer würde das besser machen als Du, ich fühle mich bei Deinen Bildern, immer wieder wie ein Anfänger 😉
23 June 2015, 18:08

Wenn du dich bei seinen Bildern schon so fühlst, wie soll ich mich dann erst fühlen? 😛
23 June 2015, 18:10

Hey Jens. Ich hab ja gesehen, dass du das gekauft hast und hab mich echt gefreut. Das tuh ich auch immer noch. Aber lass mich das bitte kritisieren. Ich weis das du das kannst. Aber die Grünen Flecken bekommst du besser hin. Es ist das erste Mal das ich wirklich aus Erfahrung spreche, so sahen die Grünen Flecken ganz einfach nicht aus. Oder war das bei der schwarzen 8 anders? Du weist ich hab da nicht so die Ahnung von...gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen der schwarzen 8 und meiner? Grüße
23 June 2015, 18:19

Paolo, i am in very good Contact with Jens. Last Time we Spoke was to days before. I know he is a very good and very Special painter. What i just Said, is that in this case, the Green dots are Not correct. And that i am very Lucky, that he build one of the Trops to. I will See what he Sais. He does always great paintjobs, and the work is great. Only the Form is in my opinion Not correct.
23 June 2015, 18:31

I'm not going to debate whether the spots, or correct or not correct.
But certainly these spots would be good for the Italian airplanes.
So Jens .....You're ready for italian planes. 🙂 👍
23 June 2015, 18:51

Moin schloddy , Danke die Kritik kommt an 👍 , die Lackierung ist aber noch nicht fertig , ich habe nur eine Gun probiert , so zum Spass einfach mal drüber , inzwischen habe ich mit der nächsten Gun die Flecken etwas satter gemacht / schau mal im Link was nach unten
bei der Machart der Flecken gab es so viele Versionen wie es Staffelmaler gab , jeder hatte seine Vorliebe , seine Technik oder die Forderungen seines Vorgesetzten , man kann sich da wohl auch nur an Originalnahe orientieren , weiter im Netz ist auch ein Bild zu finden , wo 2 Bf 109 E über der Wüste fliegen , dort kann man deutlich erkennen , kein Flugzeug war wie das Andere
Manche Maler machten mehr Kreise mit der Quaste , manche hatten wohl die Spritzpistole zur Hand,
also selbst bei der Art wie gearbeitet wurde ,wäre man am Original gebunden
Ich gebe wie immer mein Bestes , der Händler bekommt immer mein Geld 😄 😄 😄
hau rein Grosser , Du bist dann wieder Premierenkritiker , wenn die fertig werden sollte 😉
23 June 2015, 18:53

The two pictures i Posted. The dots are Not the Same. Every Plane got other Form of dots. But Yours are looking like Small Fine clouds very Well done, but Not in this case.
But mates, Jens and i had just hung up our Telephones. He Said to me that he just wanted to test a new 0,15 airbrush and the next Day we will get another result.... Im looking Forward to it
23 June 2015, 18:59

so isses Meister schloddy , Kritik wird angenommen und versucht das Beste davon und daraus zu machen 👍
23 June 2015, 19:09

Looks very good. Have You used some filters after primal painting? Green mottles are toned down very fine...Congrats!
23 June 2015, 22:40

Ok, I tried 20 drops of isopropyl alcohol 70%, 2 drops of Liquitex flow aid and 10 drops of Vallejo Model Air yellow olive. 0.1 needle on a Paasche VL and as little pressure as my TC-20 compressor can put out (5 psi?)
Here's the result:
24 June 2015, 02:30

@ Martien ok Martien which aircraft had the Italians?
if I knew the egg, I would try the Italian spots 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😠
24 June 2015, 04:53

@ Paolo
0.5 psi are CLEARLY too little = 0.3 bar
5 psi too much = 1 psi are ca.0,6 bar
THUS 1,5 - 2,0 psi may be allowed to be
the picture looks bad
try only a little more thinner, drop by drop up
as I said, are not my favorites Vallejo,
but That should create the Rough
Spraying is then fine, it may be more, but fine
then again with the upward pressure
in Vallejo, I would therefore use only the original thinner
My Experience
neither water nor Isoprpanol have helped me and Brought Desired results
Vallejo I gave up very Quickly
24 June 2015, 04:59

Hi Jens try adding some Vallejo Flow improver together with the for me
24 June 2015, 05:26

Danke Wim , ich arbeite aber fast nur mit Gunze , mit Vallejo werde ich kein Freund mehr 😄
24 June 2015, 05:51

Master schloddy the spots was wrong for the black 8 when my model friend and Premiere critic says something like that, then I have to act 🙂
So I've taken the photo of 8 and panel for panel, painted rivet for rivet 🙂 🙂
24 June 2015, 09:44

hey scalemates, say what you want, but im really happy that i made the critic. Now I really really (really really really) like it. Great work Schludermaster Jens. Absolutely fantastic. Clap clap clap (clap clap) (;
24 June 2015, 15:40

I have to critisize again.... there is one thing missing... Change the Startpicture of the album....
24 June 2015, 15:42

neeeeeeee , das ist die Enstehungsgeschichte der Bf 109 , einzig den Namen werde ich ändern müssen , iss nämlich die E7 und nicht die E3 😉
24 June 2015, 16:42

repainted in a hurry
a photo of the black 8 as a template
Gunze H Color, a Revell Master Class with nozzle Fine
as a clearcoat I instead Future / Plege
Used Mr. Metal Primer by Gunze
the Semi Glos is a mixture of Alclad ALC311
Klear Kote Light Sheen
65% and 35% Mr. Metal Primer
the rest was fun, joy and time entertainment
and so on to the next
25 June 2015, 04:29