Moose's Diner
22 29 September 2015, 07:49

Very clean and nice build. I like the way You weathered the exhaust pipes. The scene is very nice as well. Good old 50th 🙂
30 September 2015, 18:31

The car's so excited by what those two are up to, it's lost its bonnet-uk hood-usa...
Great build Martin👍
1 October 2015, 10:05

Interesting analogy 🙂 The hood resists to fit, so I have some work to convince it...
1 October 2015, 12:58

Finally complete. Most figures are originally for large scale railroads (LGB, G) and therefore 1:22.5 (instead of 1:24). A land of giants! But due to my lack in figure painting skills I was happy to have a wide selection of pre-painted people to make the scene more lively.
17 October 2015, 12:28

Superb We feel an atmosphere of the 50's in this achievement A big Well done 👏
17 December 2022, 18:11

Well done butiful diorama
Its a kit we're tool goes back to monogram 1977
So not tamiya quality
First kit was metal body and looks like same fitments problems
17 December 2022, 19:10

Sehr schön gemacht, mir gefällt besonders der Junge von der Heilsarmee! 👍👍👍👍
18 December 2022, 08:41

Thanks, everyone! My model has a „zweiter Frühling" here after 7 years 🙂
18 December 2022, 10:28
Album info
Actually this is the third car kit that I am building. The Revell Corvette is OK with some fit issues.