Royal Netherlands Navy Westland Lynx SH-14D -
Photo 1 of 16
8 August 2016, 20:00

Really nice Bart! Always good too see a Dutch Lynx. You have made the best out of that difficult kit 👍
21 August 2016, 13:09

Thanks! Long before Airfix released the 1/48... Bit of a let down after all the sweat and exciting moments, but it turned out nicely! (Except for the overweight blades, they keep bending unfortunately..)
23 August 2016, 10:01

Cool build, Bart!I love the attachements to the flight deck. Your pix show the beauty of the Lynx!👍 Do you think about, building the Airfix one, too?
23 August 2016, 11:09

Thanks! I also would like to build the Airfix navy Lynx. Working on the AH-7 right now (op. Herrick). And a 1/32 Lynx MK90 from the Royal Danish Airforce / Naval squadron.
I'm a bit of a Lynx-Nerd 😉 My father was CO of that specific frigate (F-826), that's why I choose to put the Lynx on that flight deck .
24 August 2016, 09:45
Album info
With a lot of scratchbuilding, finally finished this difficult Belcher Bits Lynx.
Tied down on the flightdeck of previous Dutch S-Class Frigate: H.R.M.S. Pieter Florisz