Montage Bf 109 E1 Josef Priller
August 17, 2018Here is the plane I want to represent: It is a Bf 109 E-1 piloted by Auberlieutenant Josef PRILLER in 1939 at the JG51.2
November 2, 2016he cockpit with the addition of Eduard zoom photoetching board. The interpretation of RLM02 on the pre-painted photoetch is wrong, it is sky blue.3
November 2, 2016The original rudder pedals have been replaced by the Eduard photoetch one. As it lacks a little relief, I recreated this relief with Evergreen profile.4
November 2, 2016On the Tamiya seat the hole through which the binding passes is missing. So I pierced the seat back.5
November 2, 2016The pre-painted photoetched dashboard provides a great improvement.6
November 2, 2016The right console needs to eliminate some original detail. I got a little complicated by keeping some of them. On the next build,I delete everything and remake scratch.7
November 2, 2016Some missing details have been added on the left console.8
November 2, 2016The central part of the office after painting the hatch behind the seat was removed and replaced by the photoetched Eduard part.9
November 2, 2016The left console after painting.10
November 2, 2016The console right after painting. I then added the elements of the pre-painted photoetched board.11
November 2, 2016All this little world takes place safely in the fuselage: It's good Tamiya! The oxygen tube was made from guitar string. The edges of the compressor have been trimmed.12
November 3, 2016To convert a BF 109 E-3 into E-1 (when i began that build, the Eduard kit was not yet released), remove the guns fairings, close the guns hole and make others one closest from the fuselage.13
November 3, 2016I added the visible oil reservoir through the hole under the nose. Another model made me notice this lack, so I had to put it in place after closing the fuselage. It was a little acrobatic.14
August 17, 2018The Quickboost Revi 12B collimator is a great improvement.15
November 3, 2016The legs of the trains are detailed with tin wire, stretched cotton buds and thin strips of tamiya scotch tape.16
August 17, 2018Paint job on landing gear wheels.17
August 17, 2018Th landing gear leg after paint job.18
August 17, 2018Th tail wheel afetr paint job.19
November 3, 2016The propeller being painted.20
November 3, 2016The propeller after weathering job.21
August 17, 2018The windshield is masked outside.22
August 17, 2018The rear part of the canopy is mask on the to side because the side frames are interior ones.23
August 17, 2018The central part of the canopy is masked outside and inside as i want to represent it open.24
August 17, 2018As we say in france "L'avion est en croix". I riveted all the surfaces25
August 17, 2018I make a support for the revi 12b with evergreen profile. The hole for the kit part is far to large for the quickboost part.26
August 17, 2018I make a hole of 0.35 mm to fix the collimator27
August 17, 2018The moment, you dont breath anymore.28
August 17, 2018The revi in place with a little part of steel wire. "Ouf!"29
August 18, 2018A detail who is missing on all BF 109 E kits the fuel dump system in the left radiator fairing.30
August 18, 2018I do that fuel dump system with aluminium tube of 0,7 and 0, 3mm Diameter.31
August 18, 2018Photoetched handles are added to the inner frames of the windshield.32
August 18, 2018The opening lever is added to the central part of the canopy.33
August 18, 2018The fixed part of the canopy are now in place.34
August 18, 2018The fuel dump system is in place.35
August 18, 2018More close.That's why there is a notch in the left radiator shutter.36
August 23, 2018I built a work stand to avoid handling the plane directly for the futur paint job and one or two thing that must be fixed.37
August 23, 2018A view of the wing flap notch (here on a wing of a E-4), on a Bf E-1 there is a hole for rear of the Mg17.38
August 23, 2018I start by locating the hole with the help of the flap temporary set in place.39
August 23, 2018Second view.40
August 23, 2018Do that both side.41
August 23, 2018The fist hole is drill. The exact shape is build with a scapel with the masking tape as guide.42
August 23, 2018I take the MG17 from an Eduard Bf 109E (the one i use to build the V14 who is unarmed.43
August 23, 2018I cut the rear part of the Mg 17 and fix it on a smallpart of plasticard with the dimension of the wing hole.44
August 23, 2018Here the smalls insert i builded.I add a piece of stretched sprue as the side bar is longer than the breech.45
August 23, 2018The first set in place. I used tin wire to represent the compressed air line. I cut it longer to have an easy handdle on the part.46
August 23, 2018The second is set in place.47
August 23, 2018The right wing with the flap in place. This gives rise to another problem: the fastening of the flap is to big and not realistic. On the other hand by checking my documents their place does not correspond to the actual articulations on the real plane.48
September 5, 2018The fixation is build at the correct place of the flap articulation.49
September 5, 2018I had an excess of glue. I removed it with glue remover.50
September 5, 2018My flap has the correct articulation. Its fixed.51
September 5, 2018Masking job before...52
September 5, 2018Going to paintjob.53
September 5, 2018I made a preshade in Gunze H-46.54
September 5, 2018And now i paint the RLM65.55
November 20, 2018I do some post-shade With RLM65 with a little part of matt white.56
November 20, 201857
November 20, 201858
November 20, 2018The effects are melted with a very diluted layer of RLM65.59
November 20, 2018after the underside being masked, i pre-shade with RLM6660
November 20, 2018I paint the upperside with RLM7161
November 20, 2018I clear some panels with a mix of RLM71 and matt yellow.62
November 20, 2018melted with a fine diluted layer of RLM71.63
November 20, 201864
November 20, 201866
November 20, 201867
November 20, 201868
November 20, 201869
November 20, 2018The paint job and the decals job are completed.70
November 20, 2018upperside view.71
November 20, 2018The model take life.
2 November 2016, 11:31

Nice splinter camo scheme, count me in for the rest of the build!
2 November 2016, 12:38
Album info
Conversion from the Bf109 E-3 Tamiya.