Operation "Schatzgräber"
5 4 March 2017, 15:25

That looks excellent Martin. I do like a Luft '46 'what if'. With that mouth, it reminds me of something and I can't think what...
4 March 2017, 15:50

Cool Martin, thats a project to my taste! Absolute lovely! The only thing that didnt shrinked in winter was the MG 42 in the hand of the Landser! 🙂 But hey, who cares? Me not!😄
20 April 2017, 15:12

@gorbygould - from way-out left field, is it possibly an alien from 'The Simpsons'? Excellent work anyway Martin 👍 🙂
14 May 2017, 12:26

@Gary: If I go down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole, why not have flying saucers AND polar bears in uniform? They might still eat some soldiers but unloading that BV-222 is MUCH faster.
26 May 2017, 15:53

Thats very creative.Very cool,and the Polarbear idea is very great 🙂
26 May 2017, 19:09

Thanks J W, that's kind of what I was going for... But remember: even "Iron Sky" did not any frigging polar bears in uniform 🙂 (I added a recently discovered spec sheet, too)
28 May 2017, 11:33

To wrap things up, here is a little bit of lore about what you see: moosedesign.de/Count..sure%20Seeker%22.pdf (a little bit = 81 pages 🙂 )
Also still WIP...
Soon on Amazon - where nobody will buy it anyway 😉
30 July 2017, 08:18

Just saw this post and I'm looking forward to reading about how the polar bears were drafted into the national socialists! Cheers
30 July 2017, 10:22

Actually that is covered and let's say that they did not join voluntarily...
30 July 2017, 10:50

Didn't know about this before - there was a real Schatzgraber (treasurehunter) in the arctic supporting U-boat ops vs Russia convoys. Thanks for that.
30 July 2017, 12:13

Er.... Just let's say they were looking for technology NOT of this world! But you didn't here it from me..... 😮 In fact it's still going on today down in Antarctica and the middle east. Oh i have to go now, There's some guys pulling up outside in a black car wearing black suits! 🙂
31 July 2017, 02:48

Yep, the lizard race at the centre of the hollow earth one. Seen all the trailers 😄
1 August 2017, 10:00

btw, does "Operation "Schatzgräber"" mean Operation Shit Grabber ? 😄
1 August 2017, 10:23

Ha Ha!!! I thought the same thing! That's funny chopped nuts. Oh here's a little survival tip for ya... NEVER eat yellow snow! 😮
1 August 2017, 12:58

haha yes indeed, very salty !! 😄
here's another "survival" tip for ya, always have some bog roll with you where ever you go because you never know when you might need a stealth dump😉 😄 😄 😄
Nice work Martin, I love all this speculative history stuff and you've come up with a great theme here,
I can tell you've been writing stories again ! 🙂
1 August 2017, 13:04

Where do polar bears um.... you know "GO" ? I mean if there's no woods!!! 🙂
1 August 2017, 13:08

more importantly there are no rabbits to wipe with afterwards 😄 😄 😄
haha treasure hunter !!
couldn't make that up, golden brown texture like sun !
sorry if I've ruined that song for anyone lol 🙂
1 August 2017, 13:52

The polar sea is wide and hopefully everything will be diluted whatever the polar bears might ... eh .. discharge.
Sometime I have more fun coming up with a (ridiculous) background story than building the models themselves...
1 August 2017, 14:21

So, in fact this outpost was a bid to exterminate all the polar bears cos Hitler got narked from always drinking weak polar bear piss?
1 August 2017, 18:54

Cut a circle in the ice...when the polar bear comes along to see what is happening, you kick him in the 'ice- hole'! 👍 (Choppa - does the sh*t stick to your fur too? 🙂 ).
1 August 2017, 20:47

haha, that my friend is entirely dependent on how well oiled I am 😄
1 August 2017, 22:01
Album info
Conspiracy-theory edition 🙂