Rafale M 15
49 9 May 2017, 18:03

Fantastic! That is really beautiful... The Rafale looks so much better in flight than on the ground. Such unique lines and shape.
I love pic #5.
Your weathering and paint is also very nice. Well done!!!
10 May 2017, 00:10

Great paint, really nice model. Inspiring me to go to my desk and take the airbrush out...!
10 May 2017, 03:35

Great! And awesome photography, you took some real nice shots. 👍
17 November 2021, 19:54

Great model, nice job and awesome shots!! Curiosity: wich stand did you use for the in-flight position? Thanks!!
25 January 2022, 10:45

I seeing more and more great Rafale builds with this kit lately. Your one included. I need to get myself one of those.
26 January 2022, 13:23
Album info
Revell Rafale M 1/48