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John Ferdico (Ferdico)

Trumpeter/Revell F4U-1 Corsair


20 August 2017, 02:09
Igor Zdorovyak
very good work.
 20 August 2017, 05:22
Palo G
Great work !!!
 20 August 2017, 06:37
Stephan Ryll
Very nice Corsair John 👍
 20 August 2017, 07:02
Choppa Nutta
like it 🙂
 20 August 2017, 09:44
Giannis Kaltapanidis
Fantastic! 👍 Very nicely detailed.
Rest assure that your zillion hours and dollars are quite visible...
 20 August 2017, 10:59

Album info

If you love the 1/32 Tamiya Corsairs, you can thank me. I spent a zillion hours and a zillion dollars correcting the Trumpeter F4U, just so Tamiya could announce one a week after it was completed. Still, mine came out okay, and if I ever recover from the trauma, I'll build the new Tamiya F4U-1D.

This one is augnmented by a Revell cowling and prop, 21st Century cowl flaps several Eduard photoetch sets, and several resin aftermarket sets. The wheel weels are mostly scratchbuilt, with additional scratchbuilding throughout.


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