RF-101 Voodoo
24 November 2017, 23:10

nicely painted, but shouldn't it be a bit more hardedge, less softedge? Was that step there between the nose and the rest of the hull? (at appr. 1/4 of the windshield) or should this be a smooth transitition?[img1]
27 November 2017, 08:48

You got me on both counts Bart 🙂 i chose to airbrush without mask, tape or tak for the fun of free hand painting. But the nose is a big let down of the kit. The cone part is too small, and i didnt come up with a clever way to fix it. Thanks for the référence picture!
27 November 2017, 21:01

The nose is simply sanding, without elaborate rescribing when deepening the seamlines as you go. With regards tot freehand airbrushing, try to remove the protective cap from the AB(the one that protected the needle) and hold the AB only a few mm from the surface, pointer towards the center of the colored stripe you want to apply. You'll get a much diner result. Plus test first on a testsurface (bottle, tin can, no paper) for the thining of the paint
28 November 2017, 06:54