Fiat CR-32
27 November 2017, 01:01

Appreciate it. Had a problem with the V-struts that mount to the fuselage--they weren't long enough, so I had to extend them, and after a lot of sanding, I'm ready to mount the top wing to the rest of the aircraft...plan on working that tomorrow.
10 February 2019, 04:01

I placed the upper wing on my Fiat CR-32, and I'm working on the landing gear. I have some touch up work on the struts too and I still need to rig the model. I was hoping to have it ready for the Old Dominion show this weekend, but I'm not going to rush it--invested too much time working this model.
20 February 2019, 01:22

Finally completed my Fiat CR-32. The model represents an aircraft assigned to the XXIII Grupo Caccia, Aviazione Legionaria. The unit was led by Lt Colonel Andrea Zotti, and based at Puig Moreno, Spain, June-July 1938. Used the Osprey Aircraft of the Aces series, number 96, profile 28 as the basis for my work.
23 April 2019, 00:43

Stefan and Alec - I wanted to thank you for the feedback. I really enjoyed the build. It got me interested in Spanish Civil War aircraft. I bought a model of the Polikarpov I-15, Messerschmitt Me-109, and Heinkel He-51 that I will paint in their respective Spanish Civil War markings.
24 April 2019, 02:04

It's a fascinating period, I agree. Same goals here, now to just get some time at the bench 😄
24 April 2019, 12:15
Album info
The kit I'm working on is the 1/72 scale Fiat CR-32. It's an older kit made by Italeri, and the first thing I did was sand the raised panel lines on the wings, tail and fuselage to make them less pronounced. I then worked on the cockpit area. I decided to paint it with Nationalist markings used during the Spanish Civil War. It took me 3 months to realize that I can't paint Italian camouflage freehand and another 3 months to paint the camouflage using templates made with Tamiya tape. It's an out of the box project, but I plan to rig the model using thread. I hope to have the model ready for the ODO show at the end of the month.