28 February 2018, 12:03

started this one, main parts have some serious misalignment problems, so a lot of sanding ahead. What is the best way to deal with the "ribs" from printing on the surfaces?
28 February 2018, 13:31

Bart, what I once read was to pour a little aceton in a container and have the model suspended above the liquid for a few minutes. Aceton vapor is heavier than air and will form a layer above the fluid. By suspending the model in that vapor the aceton wil slightly 'melt' away the printing material and as such 'melt' away the print patterns without destroying the detail. I haven't tried this myself so please, please try this first on a scrap piece! 🙂
28 February 2018, 14:46

Herstel bericht! I just looked at your pictures, is this a resin casting of the original 3D printed model? If so, the above won't work! That only works for the 3D printing material itself.... 🙁
28 February 2018, 14:48