"Dornier Classics" Project Intermission: The Pfeil
3 14 August 2018, 13:42

Hello everyone! Started a new, quite-serious project! Began with cuttiong off all unnecessary parts of the original kit, and dry-fitting the wheel-bays, which required a lot of surgery and tedious sanding of the resin parts 🙂
15 August 2018, 09:56

An update: Completely assembled the pair of DB-603E engines!
15 August 2018, 19:08

An update: made some adjustments to fuselage to install the cockpit and the frontal wheelbay. Everything went smooth!
16 August 2018, 15:44

Very interesting project, I'm in for the same labour once... Nice work so far, and I'm certainly in...
17 August 2018, 07:21

An update! Completed the Aires cockpit. Not the easiest work, but still it was quite a fun!
22 August 2018, 12:15

An update! With a lot of pain and bad words I've managed to install the rear engine mount. Also installed the frontal mount and wheel well.
4 September 2018, 13:25

An update: finished the rear engine sub-assembly. Quite a difficult process, requires a lot of patience and some references, cause the instruction on this step from Aires is very unclear
9 September 2018, 14:59

An update: finally, finished the front engine. It was extremely difficult, and the process itself went with a heavy frustration - mostly, because the frame was extremely brittle and collapsed a copule of times, and the whole frame alignment went with a lot of pain. I've installed a brass rod between the engine and the fuselage, to ensure the engine won't brake the frame again. After that, I've eventually managed to install everything in the place - not very accurately, but still, it's done and I'm if not happy, but can rest easy, at least. Aires made a bad job of it, with completely unclear instructions and some badly engineered parts.
15 September 2018, 15:49

sorry to read about your troubles...the result looks good however, so you can rest knowing it was worth it! looking forward to the rest of the build!
15 September 2018, 17:13

aires makes really great detail. but instructions could certainly be improved.....
15 September 2018, 22:21

Maybe some hard work, but also a very beautiful work... Can keep watching this forever...
16 September 2018, 10:03

Thanks for you replies, my friends!
Spanjaard, it is true indeed, the detail is great and crisp, but it seems, that aires has mistaken with some of the original kits measurements in several places. But still, with a bit of wit, they can be installed onto their places.
16 September 2018, 18:48

it sounds familiar.... i have done a couple of cockpits. details 10/10, fit.... can be improved 😛
16 September 2018, 22:13

think that is the endless discussion. some want want a cockpit that fits and then it's by definition underscale, or some want it to be true to scale, and for the model it's then a lot of work, because the body isn't in scale thickness... choises for manufactures in a rivetcounters world..
17 September 2018, 04:34

An update! Finally, managed to put the model in the "airplane state", by attaching the wings. The process wasn't easy, cause side wheel bays, supplied by aires just don't want to fit into the wings - therefore, there was a lot of grinding applied as to the wings theselves, so to the wheelbays, too. In some places I've nearly grinded parts to the thickness of the paper list, but, in the end, the work was worth it. Also, the front engine cowling ring received some surgery so it can be attached - still, I didn't glue it, for now. So, with that made, I can say, that main assembly process is finished, and now model will undergo serioues refinement process - filling the gaps, sanding the steps, etc.
20 September 2018, 10:06

Hello everyone! Finally, the Do-335 is all refined and prepared for paintwork! Time to throw some masks on 🙂
2 November 2018, 19:31

Thank you, Alec! By the way, another little portion of progress arrived - the Pfeil was masked, primered and coated with glossy black.
7 November 2018, 14:06

Uploaded some shiny updates - you just check them out, friends)
8 November 2018, 21:16

Spanjaard, Alec, Ricardo - thank you! Holger - nope, the base aluminium is Mr. Metal Color Alumine, and the different panels were done with Mr. Hobby Super Metallic Super Stainless and Mr. Hobby Next Plate Silver. Shades were done with Tamiya X-19 Smoke.
10 November 2018, 08:13

Katya, the process is quite simple. Firstly, you need to get your model primered, best way - with glossy black primer, but I don't have it, so here's my method. I use the Mr.Hobby Surfacer 1200 mixed with Mr.Hobby Levelling Thinner, in ~ 1:1,5-2 proportion. Combined with levelling thinner, this primer crates a very subtle and thin coating, though it takes a bit more time to coat all the model properly. After the primer is completely dried, I take a sheet of the 2500-grit sandpaper and, very cautiously, polish all the surface, without much pressure - the goal is only to remove all the primer grain and harshness, therefore you should always be on check so you won't sand through primer itself. After that, I remove all the dust with big soft brush or cloth. Then I take glossy black paint (acrylic Tamiya X-1 in my case) and thoroughly paint all the model. After that, I let it dry for quite a time (about a day), and start to work with metallics. If you prepare the surface right, and premix the metallic color with thinner in right proportion, you'll have no problem with making your model very metal-like.
10 November 2018, 08:21

Hello, mates! Uploaded some new photos of the Pfeil. As you can see, I've invented my own custom scheme for it, including the "Pfeil Ribbon", as I call it, on the wing. If someone here have seen my unfinished Fw-200 in 1\48 scale, you'll notice some inherited moments in the scheme.
11 November 2018, 20:29

Hy, friends! New photos. The model was varnished, washed and demasked. With this made, I can say, that main part of the build is finished. But, it's not a finishing time - there is still some serious work left.
13 November 2018, 16:53

By the way, the build is quite nearly it's ending. I've added some photos 🙂
17 November 2018, 15:55

Hello, friends!!! Yes, this finally happened - it's COMPLETE! Enjoy the photos!
18 November 2018, 18:37

Nice and really different... only thing missing is a large number on the side or a white circle... then it is a real Reno-racer... but excellent ad imaginative...
19 November 2018, 07:05

Many thanks for your kind words, my friends! In the meanwhile, I've started to work on the base for aircraft. Gonna put a little BMW-327 there 😉 New photos arrived!
20 November 2018, 19:27

Hello friends! Wrapped this project up by making a service diorama with it. Enjoy!
7 February 2019, 20:37

Very refreshing approach to this bird, great looking livery, excellent paintwork !
7 February 2019, 21:33

Looks like a fun diorama! 🙂
The car imo seems a little small though, is the automobile the same scale as the airplane?
12 February 2019, 13:16

Treehugger, yes, this a 1\48 BMW-327 from hasegawa. The Do-335 was quite a big aircraft, for sure!
12 February 2019, 13:23