1:8 Pocher Rolls Royce Phantom II
15 5 September 2018, 12:46

Wow! I read about this Pocher kit as kid. Looking forward to seeing it built 👍
7 September 2018, 01:47

Thanks guys. I work on this kit since 2014, but I do not spend a lot of time with it. Now it is almost a year that I do nothing...
7 September 2018, 22:15

Holy mother of.....
the old Pocher kits truly are something 👍
9 September 2018, 19:50

You're effing kidding me! Alex? Lift your game!! Maurizio's making you look a bit pedestrian!!
9 September 2018, 23:58

@Peter 😄😄 that hit hard, i'm goin to roll up in a fetal position and cry for a while now!
10 September 2018, 11:36

this user should be banned... enough of posting pictures of real engines and try to make them pass as models 😛
12 September 2018, 23:46

I am losing track how much of this is the kit and how much Maurizio's craftsmanship. Either way truly mindblowing!! I am going to be disappointed if this thing does not start up in the end😄
30 October 2018, 09:11

Thanks! I don't know when I'll finish, I work there occasionally, and I have to resist not starting another kit before I finish this! 🙂
30 October 2018, 12:28

What's happing with the Phantom II? You have been very quiet and I need my Maurizio fix!
7 January 2019, 08:18

Hi guys, thanks for your interesting! I'm not starting another kit, I'm only a little bit lazy... During this time I made the wheels, as you can see!
10 January 2019, 19:13

Maurizio, wheels are looking fantastic and look like fun to build. If I ever get to Italy I will buy you a coffee so you will tell me all your secrets!
11 January 2019, 22:53

*takes a seat* I'm in, looking fantastic.... it looks wheely good!
11 January 2019, 22:58

Peter, I don't tell you nothing for a coffe, but for a beer... I'll wait!
24 January 2019, 23:07

Beer eh? Hmmm, that might be possible! Anyone else interested in sitting in the afternoon sun at Maurizio's place if I bring the beer? Italy should be very pleasant this time of year!
25 January 2019, 07:50

I say we wait a bit into Spring for the pleasantness 😄. I'll take a glass of a nice supertuscan 👍
25 January 2019, 12:34

Yes, now is cold, better end of Spring, and you have time to stock beers!!!
25 January 2019, 13:22

Hi guys, I'm back!I hope that all is going well for you and your dears.
6 May 2020, 20:52

Yes, welcome back! What a change since we chatted last on this thread, and I don't mean just your progress on the build...
7 May 2020, 12:41

Alec you are right, the world is changed. Luckily we have our hobby. Peter, we have to wait for the beer! Alexander, have you buy a F40 Pocher? Me too have it, is red but I think to make it yellow, when I'll start to assemble it... Ciao Chris, I'm happy to meet you again
8 May 2020, 00:04

Yeah, have the F40 in my stash but I believe these newer Pocher kits are toys in comparison to the madness like your RR 😄
Built the Aventador though, was quite nice actually but also nowhere near the detail amount like the older kits
8 May 2020, 18:23

Gentlemen, for those of us out here learning to super detail thank you for showing us how it is done!
8 May 2020, 22:51

Alexander, yes, the Pocher "Prestige" series made as in the box are like die cast model, but adding details and right paint it's possible to achieve a good result. I think it's not a problem for you, your Countach is fantastic!
11 May 2020, 13:09

The Mossie is just a careful OOB build, nothing on the level of this Roller. But thanks.
12 May 2020, 01:10

i will be disappointed if the engine does not start when this baby is done! wow!!!
15 May 2020, 21:27

If you still need help to rotate images, go to album, go to manage, click on advanced and choose the right orientation for the picture
6 January 2023, 14:53

Massive and very nice detailling on your part. Please allow me a comment on one detail. Pic 239: one of your beautifully fashioned clamps seems to be on the rubber hose only, but not on the metal part the hose is slid over. On this position it will not serve its function.
Keep up the great work and us pisted.
7 January 2023, 08:37

Thank you guys. Michael, thank you for your comment and the careful way you looked at the photos, I will move the clamp!
17 January 2023, 23:55

great to see this beauty back in the newsfeed, and with new pictures. what a marvel!
2 August 2023, 18:43

Thanks guys, unfortunately time flies, and I never have enough to dedicate to model building...
2 August 2023, 21:37