J8M construction
29 October 2018, 11:17

I have almost finished cockpit assembly, that should be done tomorrow. Unfortunately there are some fit problems with the wings, and an extremely nasty problem with the tail section being slightly too small, so i'm going to have to do my best with filler. I have very little experience with filler though...
29 October 2018, 18:28

Mind posting some pics of the size problem? maybe we can help with suggestions
29 October 2018, 19:10

I will tomorrow when I get to it, it's really cold and dark at the moment though, so it will have to wait.
29 October 2018, 19:16

Augie, I uploaded some more photos which show the finished cockpit, but also the fit problems with the wings and the massive problem with the tail, it's actually slightly the wrong size to fit... -_-
30 October 2018, 09:56

The cockpit work is superb 🙂 will be a nice one once done. The wigs just need a touch of filler, one thing you may want to try is using pva glue as the filler. You fill the gap with PVA, then use moist cotton buds to wipe off the excess.
As for the tail, thats an interesting problem, On the top of the aircraft, does the exhaust part of it sit high against the fuselage?
30 October 2018, 10:58

I'll have a look to see if we have any PVA, don't know if we do though. I do have some Humbrol filler stuff although I have only used it once before so not much experience.
The problem with the tail is that it is that the engine section is just a tiny bit too small, which means it doesn't fit flush against the fuselage, and yes is a tiny bit too high. The tail fin itself fits perfectly, but the exhaust just has that problem. 🙁
30 October 2018, 11:34

Great start with an unusual and interesting subject! Hope you sort out the fit issues
30 October 2018, 11:44

Thanks, I really hope I can sort it out too.
I'm also currently debating whether to make the actual armed version (with armoured glass, gun sight, and 2x 30mm Type 5) or the real prototype that the US "borrowed" after the war.
30 October 2018, 11:51

There we go, I applied the filler to the wings. Once it dries i'll remove the masking tape and do my best to clean it up, hope it works. 🙂
30 October 2018, 13:58

Results of the tail filler! Not as neat as I had hoped but hopefully should look ok once painted.
1 November 2018, 11:06

Attempting to use Blu-Tack to mask the canopy, I think this might actually work...
1 November 2018, 19:22

I just sprayed on the top side primer. I may have just completely ruined the model, so if I seem upset later, that's why.
2 November 2018, 10:05

What are you using as primer? Reason I ask is that it may just need a going over with really fine sand paper to smooth it out.
2 November 2018, 10:17

Ok, so do you have any detol in the house? if so that is an option to strip the paint off with out usually damaging the plastic.
2 November 2018, 11:02

Good news! It worked after all. Once it dried and settled down far thinner than I expected. 🙂
2 November 2018, 13:52

Gave the topside another coat of primer and it's dry now. Should be able to start airbrushing tomorrow. 🙂
2 November 2018, 18:09

Managed to paint top side! After a few (a lot) of false starts with the air brush, I managed to (mostly) work out what I was doing!
3 November 2018, 11:17

Just keep to the 3 Ps rule ,,, practice , practice & practice 😉 ,,,, looking good ,,, I'm in
3 November 2018, 22:07

looks great, and btw, yellow is a difficult color to spray to get an even shade all around.
3 November 2018, 22:41

Yeah... It has come out a lot more yellow and a lot less orange than I expected.
3 November 2018, 23:13

Turns out trying to paint over yellow with aluminium is a terrible idea. I'll have to wait for that aluminium to dry and then try to respray that area white.
4 November 2018, 09:12

I think I may be able to save it, I repainted the aluminium and sanded down the rough bits on top.
It might not be the prettiest but it may look ok.
4 November 2018, 14:59

I have not used the air brush yet today, this whole mess was caused by my own stupidity.
4 November 2018, 15:00

No stupidity, hobbies are all about live and learn...I always say to myself: next one will be a bit better 😉
4 November 2018, 19:57

Well, i'll mask off the aluminium tomorrow and complete the air brushing. We'll see how it turns out.
4 November 2018, 20:04

better to let the paint cure a few days, and rest your mind on it. Look at it from a different perspective
, sand it lightly and smoothly restart.
5 November 2018, 04:04

Results of salvage operation, resorted to brush painting for some of it. Still needs panel lines/detailing and decals.
5 November 2018, 12:21

I would also use masks for the canopy, even if you paint with a brush. It will look much better in the end.
5 November 2018, 12:42

Uae Tamiya tape for it and make them yourself.
Blu Tack for canopy masks is probably the worst thing you can do.
5 November 2018, 13:32

I had no new knife blades at the time, so I couldn't do it with tape.
5 November 2018, 13:39

Ignore people who tell you to use a new blade for almost everything. Just sharpen the blades using fine sandpaper – it only takes a few seconds. I've been doing it for years and rarely have to throw blades away. I also use that method for sharpening carpentry tools and it's by far the best method I've found.
5 November 2018, 16:36

Katya , you can use the bottom of a mug to sharpen the blade.
6 November 2018, 05:21
Album info
Construction and painting of Finemolds 1/48 J8M Shūsui.