Grumman Avenger VT-88 USS Yorktown
1 16 January 2019, 11:48

Wings and tailplane on. Have painted the top and wings USN Sea Blue and the other parts of the fuselage Intermediate blue. Vallejo Model Air Paint used. Next will be the underside which will be Vallejo Model Air Insignia White.
10 February 2019, 00:26

Coming along nicely, some parts great, especially auxilliary turret. This model should be impressive when completed
12 February 2019, 12:03

Arghhh, was moving some stuff around in my hobby room and didn't notice that the canopy had fallen on the floor....until I stood on it and broke it into several pieces. Now on hold until I can find another canopy/model on FleaBay.
22 February 2019, 12:33

Finally managed to get hold of a copy of the model and used the cockpit to complete it. Transfers were a challenge to say the least, fell apart trying to put them on.
26 April 2019, 16:39