AREA 88: "The Upside Down Bomb" (Kfir)
Photo 1 of 20
25 April 2019, 14:28

I don't want these two upside down Kfirs to get left behind in the project, so let's get started.
25 April 2019, 14:32

Yet an other adventure to watch. !
👍. Afterburner s glowing on the shelf. 🙂 👍
Mmmmmmm. This pop corn is GOOD. ! 😉
26 April 2019, 02:03

Stick around... this build is going to turn your world upside down!😉
26 April 2019, 04:10

I should think our Antipodean friend would be used to being upside down
26 April 2019, 11:48

As always, two steps forward, one step back. I got Shin and Mickey painted up and seated in the cockpits, and then I found out that all the reviews of this kit that say the canopies can crack weren't lying. BOTH canopies cracked, under very little force since I was forewarned. I'm starting to be very glad this is an upside down presentation. I will sand and buff out the canopies as clearly as I'm able... just promise me not to look too closely. 🙂
30 April 2019, 15:41

I'm happy now that these have got some paint on them. I did my best to match the Hasegawa 1/72 callouts for colour. So "Israeli Eggshell Blue" (FS35622) on the bottom mixed from 5ml of Tamiya XF-2 and 7 drops of X-23 and 3 drops of X-25. Then FS33531 (XF-57) on the top with FS34227 for the first layer of camouflage (XF-71:1 + XF-21:1 + XF-2:1). Seems to have worked.
9 May 2019, 16:10

It's funny. I'm fighting my instincts and trying to remember that these two will be displayed inverted. It seems unnatural somehow. I have to remember to spend more time on the underside than I might otherwise, and let things slide on top. It's also the first time I had the wires in the way of a camouflage paint job. Normally they're on the bottom and a single coat of paint is enough. They were a bit annoying and getting in my way.
9 May 2019, 23:14

Thanks Lode. Problem solving and pushing our own limits is all part of the enjoyment of the hobby, isn't it? I didn't have the proper decals for the black/yellow recognition triangles on these two, so I had to do some careful masking. Whenever it got tedious I just thought about you masking 1/700 PE coffee mugs and soldier onward. 🙂
12 May 2019, 23:30

Can't find your plane at the airbase because it's painted in desert/jungle camo -then why not stick some massive yellow triangles on it because the enemy will never spot that
13 May 2019, 08:21

Thanks Lode. I like being unpredictable in my builds. 😉
Besides the cracked canopies, I'm quite happy how these two ended up. The decals went on like a breeze and really give them the final pop.
16 May 2019, 23:50

Greg, whatever it is you do between laying original colors down and the picture I see now really makes your colors come to life.
17 May 2019, 00:46

Thanks Nathan. The jump between pics 16 and 17 really is the panel wash. I use Tamiya's panel washes (black, grey, brown) not just on the panels, but basically on the whole surface and then spend a lot of time wiping it back off. I'm still trying to get a handle on the process myself, but it usually drops the colour uniformly by a tone. I also use one of those microfiber cloths to give the whole models a quick rub before applying the wash. That "sands" down the paint a bit and takes out the shinier high spots. It's not a miracle cure for painting mishaps, but can even it out a bit.
17 May 2019, 01:17

Very nice, they even have blue-tone canopies! Do you have a supersize version of Tamyia mark fit or are they really that small?😉
17 May 2019, 06:25

Heh... I knew my novelty over-sized set of Tamiya products was going come in handy...😉
17 May 2019, 06:42