1/48 A7M2 construction
8 June 2019, 16:00

So I have been struggling with motivation recently, which is why I haven't posted anything in a while. But now that this kit is finally well underway, here's the progress so far. Just finished priming the main aircraft.
8 June 2019, 16:01

Top side silver coat is on, i'll be painting the whole thing silver, then masking off the underside and painting the top green.
9 June 2019, 08:52

Well there are a couple of bits that need touching up, but it mostly worked!
9 June 2019, 17:58

Lovely kit, isn´t it? Have the same one started anywhere here. Nice silver! What´s this black primer and silver, if I dare to ask?
10 June 2019, 13:36

Thank you Daniel! I think I might have to touch up a couple of patches on the green though before I can move on to the next step.
It's quite a nice kit Thomas, although there were a few small fit issues. The black and silver are Vallejo Model Air Black Primer with Vallejo Model Air Metallic Silver over the top. 🙂
10 June 2019, 14:22

Looks great Katya. Sometimes when you get into a slump, a mojo build is just what you need. You'll have this one finished in no time.
11 June 2019, 12:36

Very nice! This is another kit I've been curious about. Glad to see you building it Katya.
11 June 2019, 12:38

Thank you! Almost done the tail wheel now, and after that I have to do the main gear...
11 June 2019, 12:54

I can recommend this Ikea drawer product for storing ongoing projects, it has some 4-5 big drawers, making it easy to keep track of parallel kit projects. 🙂
13 June 2019, 09:58

And that's the landing gear done! It stands! Also added the wing pitot tube. 🙂
13 June 2019, 12:39

The propeller is done! The only things left now are the cannons and the drop tank, and i'll probably be putting those on after the decals. 🙂
13 June 2019, 17:24

YAp ,that could always be kind of tricky with japanese manufacturers..
What colors you have used Gunze?
13 June 2019, 18:24

Looks like it goes togeher rather well. What parts had fit issues?
13 June 2019, 19:06

Daniel, I have been using Vallejo Model Air as usual, Silver for the underside, IJN Deep Dark Green for the topside, interior green for the cockpit, and faded emerald for the wheel wells.
Nathan, the fit issues were between the wings and the fuselage, as well as a few other minor ones between halves and similar.
13 June 2019, 19:23

Hi, be careful with softener or decal medium. As i experienced fine molds decals are rather on the thick side and you will have to use softener.. be sure you have a resistant coat over the Vallejo colour before decaling.. The softener often dissolves the VAllejo colors...even their own product...
13 June 2019, 20:32

Working on the decals! Making good progress despite the decals being a little troublesome. The red line decals that outline the flaps sadly came apart, so I had to paint the lines instead. I'm hoping it looks ok...
14 June 2019, 10:23

Just stuck the cannons in! I'll put the side roundels on in a bit, and that will just leave the underside decals. There's a bit of silvering on some of the smaller decals, but i'm hoping the clear coat will hide that.
14 June 2019, 12:33

Before you clear coat, punch a very small hole in the silvered area and soak the decal in setting solution. That should take care of the silvering.
14 June 2019, 12:52

Top side decals are done! I'll let them dry for a bit before doing the underside decals. 🙂
14 June 2019, 13:08
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Building Finemolds 1/48 A7M2 Reppu