T-54 entering the presidential palace
2 16 June 2019, 20:47

Started this project today. Spending some hours on the base, now I am going to assemble the tank itself. By now Ammo did a great job on this. Superb details and very well designed.
16 June 2019, 20:55

Good to have you aboard mates.
Ja die Idee, eine Boxart nachzubauen schiebe ich schon länger vor mir her. Passt hier ganz gut
17 June 2019, 17:53

You're welcome Spanjaard
I finally finished the basic work on this project, so it starts to look like the historical scene in Saigon and the boxart.
AMMO by Mig Jimenez´ T-54 B and the base are ready for their colorcoat. Building this kit was fun even while there are lots of tiny parts, but in the end only one got lost.
20 June 2019, 21:07

Schöne Arbeit bisher! Ich ahbe das Kit auch gekauft, und ahtte auch die gleich Idee es darzustellen. 🙂
21 June 2019, 17:35

Danke Zsolt, bin auf deinen Bau gespannt 👍
I was able to spend some more hours on the bench, so the base ist mostly finished, maybe some little steps after the tank is finally placed.
Next I will start priming the tank
22 June 2019, 00:08

Da fehlt noch der vietnamesische Panzersoldat neben dem Panzer, der seine Männer anfeuert. Gibt es ein Originalfoto von.
Die Vignette ist topp!!
22 June 2019, 06:08

Nathan, Arne welcome aboard mates.
@Arne ich orientieren mich an der historischen 844, da kommen noch 2 Figuren von Paracel drauf, hätte gerne noch mehr aber der Markt scheint nichts herzugeben.
22 June 2019, 06:50

I was able to finish the figures today. Was a bit too hot, so the colors weren't easy to handle but the result seems to be ok in my eyes
24 June 2019, 13:36

The tank is primed and highlighted now. Next I will apply the basic color and start painting the details.
Meanwhile I decided to add more figures to the tank. I hope to start with them tomorrow evening.
26 June 2019, 20:57

Looks awesome Moritz 👍. Good call on more figures, will make the scene even better IMHO.
27 June 2019, 12:25

Thanks for your keen words, mates.
The figures did not arrive today, so I go on with painting it.
27 June 2019, 17:46

This is indeed very nice! All carried out expertly in this small scale and the dio proportions have something of a "golden cut" element in them... very pleasing to the eye, good work!
27 June 2019, 18:44

Thank you Slavo. Good to hear that the proportions are working. More progress soon
28 June 2019, 05:27

Thx Bart,
I thought Voyager PE Sets in 1/35 are fiddly, but it isn't any longer ... Figure conversion in 1/72 is hell.
I spent four hours to make these two guys out of three other sets.
When the green stuff has dried I will prime them to see whether they are ready for painting. Wish me luck.
Meanwhile I go on with the weathering on the tank.
28 June 2019, 19:03

This project comes down the stretch now. The tank just needs some final touches, mainly pigments and the two „figure-conversion-guys" need their colorcoat. I'am pretty sure to get this done this weekend.
Your comments are most welcome.
29 June 2019, 06:07

Kim, Alec, Slavo and Nathan thank you mates, much appreciated.
@Nathan I used this photo of tank 844 as reference
Miscellaneous | Album by Fetzi85
Not a 100% copy but man can see the family resemblance
29 June 2019, 15:43

Moritz mate.. once again absolute fine and adorable work..
In this scale there is really not much room above your gems... Congrats 👍
29 June 2019, 19:04

Christian, Bart, Daniel, Christian thanks a lot for your friendly words.
I hope to finish the figures this afternoon, so I can post some pics of the finished project later
30 June 2019, 07:18

I think I can call this finished. Ammo's T-54 was a pleasure to build and I sm looking forward to start my second one soon.
Looking forward to hear what you think about it.
30 June 2019, 15:13

Wonderful work Moritz. I'll have to admit during the first part of your build I thought the kit was 1:35 scale.😉
30 June 2019, 15:35

Einfach nur eine grandiose Arbeit Moritz. 👍 Wie lange hast Du jetzt insgesamt für alles gebraucht?
30 June 2019, 16:32

Stefan, Nathan, Jens Andreas thank you mates.
@Andreas durch ein paar Urlaubstage ging das Projekt jetzt binnen 2 Wochen über die Bühne, an Stunden müssten das so zwischen 30 und 40 sein
30 June 2019, 16:51

Congrats on getting it finished, it's one of the greatest dio works in 72 scale I have seen! Top choice of topic, flawless execution, and again my compliments for the dio proportions & balance!
30 June 2019, 17:24

Slavo, Konrad, Alec, Neuling, Zsolt, Thomas thanks for yor warm and encouraging words, means a lot to me.
@ Zsolt nice shirt😉. Got the same with my kit
30 June 2019, 20:07

splendid work, very nice dio.
Started reading the book from Max Hastings: Vietnam a tragedie 1945-1975.. It was only a short chapter, but a very striking book...
1 July 2019, 08:47

That's one of the best dioramas in 1/72 I have seen 👍 and dat topic... 🙂
1 July 2019, 13:55

Christian, Kim, Bart, Stefan, Christian, Lukasz thank you mates - I am really happy with your kind comments. Thx.
@ Stefan
Lingen will work
@ Christian
Veldhoven wäre cool, bin nur unsicher, wie die Regierung reagiert😉 Stellt ihr da als Gruppe oder Einzelpersonen aus?
1 July 2019, 15:09

Wir sind als Gruppe dort mit ca. 6 Personen. Wäre schön Dich dort zu treffen.
1 July 2019, 18:54

Gorby, James, Ingo, Greg thanks for your positive feedback, good to hear😉
@ Christian
Ich warte mal auf eine passende Situation um bei der Regierung vorzufühlen, ansonsten in Stadthagen oder im März in Lingen
2 July 2019, 21:16

Wow... great job! I've been to the (former) Presidential Palace in Ho Chi Minh City and seen the footage of that famous gate crash. Your work really captures the moment in my opinion.
14 July 2019, 16:40

Thank you mates, I am really happy about all your friendly and motivating comments.
30 July 2019, 15:15