McHales' Navy
3 8 July 2019, 02:28

This looks very delicious 😛 finally a ship in a non-microscopic scale😄
Why the need for more paint? Want to paint your toes as well? 😉
I'll grab a seat as well👍
8 July 2019, 11:14

Sure. I have some nice Maibock in the cooler, grab as many as you want 😛
8 July 2019, 18:29

Thanks Lode! This is strictly OOB but, I know damn well I will end up modifying it! I am already dissatisfied with the shoulder holster thingos on the mounted guns. Some padding is needed! You blokes and Augie are going to laugh your heads off watching me succumb to the detailing bug,....... AGAIN!
9 July 2019, 08:39

Wouldn't be an original Hardy if you didn't modify a few bits and bobs here and there 😛 👍
9 July 2019, 08:41

I remember that show growing up. But not to get the rivet counter tag - PT-73 was not a Elco but a Higgins or Vosper. Not complaining but a Elco PT-73 would look nice since the show was pretty much made up. I have that kit and was toying with the idea of doing PT-109 when it was in the Panama Zone before it headed to the Pacific and destiny.
10 July 2019, 01:17

You're right Robbie. It was a fictitious show and footage of many boats were used so it could have been anything. I did do some research into the differences between the Higgins and the Elco and found that changes happened to almost every boat on the production line and not done as 'batches' to a particular spec. On top of that from what info I can garner the two boats had a different length, the Higgins at 78' and the Elco at 80' but they had the same layout so for most mugs, me included, I don't honestly give a toss! I have never built a Merit kit before and don't recall seeing one done, recently at least, so it should be interesting for most of us. Don't worry about the rivet counter thing mate, I build for me not a competition. I build models not reproductions. Hope you enjoy the build Mate!! Cheers!!!
10 July 2019, 01:49

Holy PT's Skipper. !
How in hell did I miss seeing this hit the work bench. ?
I need time to digest this build.
👍 😉
10 July 2019, 03:59

Cool! 🙂 Looking at the box art, sealing of sprues, protective cushioning and instructions this just breaths Trumpeter/Hobby Boss. Is Merit the mother company of those two?
10 July 2019, 04:10

When it comes to movie or tv vehicles it's never the same and never easy to copy! Always a twist in it! Dukes of Hazzard, Or Christine the movie, was it a fury or Belvidere? Dirty Mary, crazy Larry- which year charger and which color ECT! Peter make it what you want! I won't tell!
10 July 2019, 04:40

I know McHales' Navy is from the '60s but if I find it on some random site (since it's so old), is it worth the watch? Binge-worthy in the background while I work on my Volvo or painting project?
10 July 2019, 04:56

Original PT 73 was a 78ft. Higgins 56 ton boat, comm September 1942, decomm December 1945. Action in (Aleutions&New Guinea)
In the Movie, they use 3 diffrend boats, non over 71ft. One of them a British Vosper Mark 2, so there was no 80 ft. Elco boat, Robbie you right on this one. Do the Monster as it is. I am still in, and have beer.
10 July 2019, 08:21

Exactly! It looks like a cool boat anyway! And while watching the show, you can stil go brrrr brrrr brrr over the table with it. 😉
10 July 2019, 14:03

Can´t work out any smug Picard´ish comment for this at the moment... Simply watching, things will come together😉 !
10 July 2019, 14:31

Found this link of McHales' Navy to view as we watch this thing get built -
10 July 2019, 20:58

This will be awesome, and totally different from your last project. They don't make t.v shows like that anymore, pure classic.🙂
11 July 2019, 01:48

Never seen it before but I enjoyed every minute of it! Why am I whistling the Airwolf tune though?....
11 July 2019, 03:16

For what it's worth Pete, I remember going to a Saturday afternoon session (aka matinee) of McHales Navy where it was the support for some Disney movie no doubt. The cinema was Greater Union Innaloo (being a suburb of Perth West Oz), well before they turned into a megaplex. What I don't remember was the actual boat being the star of the show, unlike say the Corsairs in Baa Baa Black sheep or Little John's BAR in Combat ( yep the one with Vic Morrow ). If I recall correctly, there seemed to be a lot of stock footage used. Made anymore progress?
14 July 2019, 06:36

Been at it most of the weekend Jay Dub. The PT I mean. All prep work so far, not ver photogenic but I have posted the completed Desmosedici.
14 July 2019, 06:40

Which sounds like some sort of a religious act, involving the worship of a modern deity
14 July 2019, 06:57

What happens under the deck stays under the deck! No interior on this one Kez.
14 July 2019, 09:26

Welcome Ant!
Lode. Ahh yes of course. The making or breaking of this kit will be the paint. Very low part count. The life raft is awful at best. Might try and jazz it up a bit.
Mrs. Hardy polishes it regularly Slavo.
15 July 2019, 06:55

Probably a good thing your missus (Laurel ???) isn't on Scalemates Cracka Hardy
15 July 2019, 08:16

Well JDub, now you know how I ended up with the nickname!
Mick, I thought it was pretty good too! I come up with one for every fifty Tim does!
15 July 2019, 08:54

Peter, my thought would be to hand paint around the windows, then install the windows, then about 6 hrs before painting use a white glue or small amount of clay putty and then paint, once dry remove glue or what ever with a toothpick.
15 July 2019, 12:37

Good thing Peter has a small ego! I'd hate to hear him blow his own horn!
15 July 2019, 12:39

I'll join in. Looking good so far. I almost fainted reading the caption to photo 17 - never thought I would see the day. You are truly lost now... 😄
15 July 2019, 13:52

Alec, I was thinking of Lode doing this kit, or you!
Tim, we are not friends anymore. Some things should never be said out loud. Especially when one is blowing one's horn!
15 July 2019, 21:15

You blokes kill me, I'm going to work and be miserable for a few hours!
15 July 2019, 21:25

Nothing stops Peter, he's like a bull in a china shop but he gets it done!
16 July 2019, 21:00

Your fans await you Peter - do you have an update for your expectant followers?
PS I may have known about the nickname, but just want to ensure our European mates 'got it' too !
21 July 2019, 10:06

Jay Dub, spent most of the weekend sanding torpedo Tube joins. I figure that as they were rolled steel they will need a different finish to the rest of the boat which was wood, they would have one weld line not two. So, progress has slowed. Not sure if anyone unaware of Oz football culture would have picked up on the nickname theme.
No sailors Mick, doubt a resin Earnest Borgnine figure is out there!
21 July 2019, 21:10

News from the boatyard! 👍 I hope you'll get the torps properly greased & polished!😉
Seriously - good stuff, I very much look forward to see it come together!
22 July 2019, 06:04

Nice work so far... That mating of the hull and bridge will come around...
22 July 2019, 08:10

Plenty of time to work it out, really looking forward to painting her.
22 July 2019, 10:25

Not knowing anything about the vessel your building Peter, I can offer no comment other tan 'looking good bud.' !
It seems that there are some things you wished could be better than what you have been dealt. 🙁
But given that you seem to be always able to rise to a challenge, I will just have to sit and marvel at your perseverance. 🙂
22 July 2019, 10:35

I did see some 1:35 crew for the Elco 80' model on evilbay - that'd make for a chubby 1:48 Ernest Borgnine Pete !
22 July 2019, 10:49

Thanks Jimbo. The cabins haven't been secured and won't be for a while. I will build this thing in modules like a battleship because of the way it has to be assembled. Spruce "B" has been stripped clean and is now in the rubbish bin under the bench so I am making progress. The gaps are driving me insane but, on the plus side I am "developing my putty sanding skills"! Might even get some primer on the hull next weekend depending on how much I drink tonight!
27 July 2019, 01:15

Patrick, I don't waste alcohol!
JC, I use two types of putty, the Vallejo you recommend for much the same reasons and a MR Putty liquid. The Vallejo I have good enough control with but the liquid is a skill I am still working on, along with many many others! I should have some pics on Monday showing progress.
27 July 2019, 21:45

Peter, Google has come to your aid. Have a look at this.
29 July 2019, 04:06

And, this for the terminology for the parts of the boat. (Just for fun). 👍
29 July 2019, 04:12

AND, then, along came Jones.
29 July 2019, 04:26

All I did was ask Google a question.
"What is the PT boat helm made of. ?" and the links pop up. 👍 🙂
29 July 2019, 06:28

LOL!!! I can't help it if you are smarter than me Kez! I gotta run wot I brung! Thanks for all the links too mate, I've printed everything up and put it in a bound binder. Got some interesting reading to do!
29 July 2019, 06:42

Boat´s looking seriously good already 👍 + even the Germans are spying from a U-boat, as pic 39 clearly shows!😉
29 July 2019, 09:36

No concern about the U Boot Slavo, it's in dry dock for another year. No radio antenna so they can't call in an air strike either. The only torpedo that fits in that Boot is still in the box so I reckon the PT is safe enough, for a while anyway. I was supposed to do this OOB but, I am suffering from overexposure to an extreme case of detail mania! Woke up this morning with a cunning plan for a shaving kit in the head. I gotta get out more often!
30 July 2019, 05:57

Jimmy C, the torpedos are as smooth as I can get them. Stupidly I chose to use Tamiya Extra Thin which is a very good cement but I should have welded the seams. I will cover them with Alclad Base Black which will hide the seams. The deck has an awfully inconsistent join with the hull. If I were to do this build again I would reinforce the hull both vertically and from side to side. I have a concern that when I close the gap between the deck and the bridge and ward room it will pull the deck out of shape. I think the base problem is that the deck has no camber from centerline to each gunwhale. If this boat put to sea everyone on board would drown because the water coming over the deck would stay on the deck and eventually fill the hull. Anyhow, I have used the plastic putty we discussed earlier to give me a smooth join from hull to deck.
30 July 2019, 06:13

Well aren't you going to get a big surprise Lode! I will send you a couple of pics on Skype!
30 July 2019, 08:58

I don't think any camber is needed. Just put the throttle to the max for a couple of minutes. All the water will easily flow into the wake!
What happened to the avatar Peter? Now I can't find you in the masses anymore!
30 July 2019, 09:26

Just look for a couple of feet in front of a camp fire and I will be 2 metres from them!
30 July 2019, 10:59

JC, I'll just use the kit stand. Yep, getting the joins to disappear has been a task and a half but I feel Kerry's hot breath in my ear!
Thanks Tim, but they never made the barbie! Still attached to the big turkey.
Marty, .......... Ahhh, I got nothing.
Alec, you started this!
Lode, you are the only gentleman on this site!
30 July 2019, 21:12

Well if it isn't Deliverance Don! Yes, I am still working on it. How are the banjo lessons going y'all?
31 July 2019, 02:33

Boats looking good but mate those legs look like they need a bit of colour in them, especially for a Queenslander.😢🙂
31 July 2019, 12:58

Alec, OK I will change it back if I can find the pic!
Marty, there is no need to post selfies!
Thank you Christian, just taking my time and getting the little things right!
31 July 2019, 21:59

I do like the lanyard stitched through the canvas surrounds on the gun mounts. !
Overall, a most impressive build Peter, as with all your others. 😉
5 August 2019, 02:50

Looking good so far, that stitching is a very nice feature... That opened up torpedo tube too
5 August 2019, 08:21

Boy oh boy. Taking your bike building skills to boats now? You're doing a great job, my Aussie friend.
Painting this beast will be another challenge though.
5 August 2019, 08:48

Thanks for your encouragement everyone, I cannot claim originality on the tarp lashings. Saw a model on line with it and thought it looked terrific so, had a go. Happy with the outcome but if I ever did it again I'd go with .1 binding rather than the .2 that I used for this. The torpedo Tube was a Kez inspired addition, never done anything like it before and yes JC, a great deal of courage was employed! The paint? Well all I can say at the moment is it will be mostly acrylics and buckets of the stuff!
5 August 2019, 09:04

Is there no enamels that would do the job.?
As it will take two to three times the volume of acrylics to do what one application of enamels can. Meaning, less time with the gun in hand and thinner the paint and more detail will come through.
Your building skills are phenomenal Peter, don't screw them up with half inch thick layers of acrylics. I mean it. !
5 August 2019, 11:43

Not to mention with the enamel base it makes it easy for acrylic detailing. IMHO
5 August 2019, 17:01

Lode. Thank you for the comment on the acrylics subject. 👍
I am at a loss as to what Tim meant. :-/
5 August 2019, 21:53

Kez, if you start out with an enamel coat 1st and then if you do weathering, ect with acrylics and lets say it goes on heavier than you wanted or some leaked to another location, ect. then with acrylic thinner it's easy to remove without taking the base coat off.
5 August 2019, 22:20

Nice one Cracka -it's coming along nicely. Mind you, I always thought these boats were grey, but that must because my memories are in black & white ... just like the show!
2 September 2019, 12:27

Looking really good buddy! And after marathoning the show, I can't wait to see your boat!
2 September 2019, 18:39

Jay Dub, very early boats were US Navy grey but shone like beacons in the Solomon Islands during the night. One of the tasks there was to attack the Tokyo Express resupplying the Japanese land forces on Guadalcanal. The olive green made it difficult to silhouette the boats against the jungle covered islands at night.
Chris, I don't model during the week as I want to make sure I get time with my Wife. I spend all weekend in my hobby room so it only seems fair. I do get frustrated with my slow progress from time to time though!
JC, someone as awesome looking as me can't help it!
Slavo, been pretty crook for a few weeks and had to keep away from the finer details while I was always trying to avoid coughing up a lung. Should make some solid progress once I can get past the putty stage.
2 September 2019, 21:09

Looking good... speed is relative (it depends who you compare with) and what counts is the result. so relax and enjoy. you will enjoy watching it in your display cabinet more, the more time you spend doing it right😉
2 September 2019, 22:29

If you know his wife, it is no wonder he wants to spend so much time with her. 😉
Like all your mates say Peter, slow and steady will bare fruit. 👍 🙂
3 September 2019, 00:31

Donny Boy, don't try to devolve my thread!
Thanks Mick, but what about the model?
Spanjaard, It is sooooooo slow but I am producing more than you atm!!
Lode, I have been delayed by the USS Putty but hope to make up some ground this weekend!
Kez, I must be getting picky in my old age!!
3 September 2019, 02:48

... as is snipping, sanding, dry fitting, gluing, putty-ing, painting and ... photographing.
But, the boy can find a bargain!
4 September 2019, 01:32

Jay must be spreading some disease. Haven't done much either lately. I must have left my mojo in France.
Anyhow. The boat looks great, as does mrs Hardy, as do the beers in Melbourne. Having doubts about the guys drinking the beers 🙂
4 September 2019, 09:45

Struth! Which pics did I post? It was only a German Pilsner, not like it was Belgian Beer! Ohh, it's the new avatar isn't it? Your mistaking that chiselled iron hard physique for lady bumps aren't you!
4 September 2019, 11:28

What ! no Tooheys? That is what I was trying to massively consume when I visited OZ in the late '70's
6 September 2019, 19:31

Just a heads up, I am waiting for some Testors Flat Clear Lacquer to arrive from eBay next week so I can continue. I'll post some progress pics tomorrow evening.
10 September 2019, 06:55

Hey Peter, what's with the breast implants? You were fine the way you were!
10 September 2019, 12:48

I think the kind of orange-brown-ish color as seen cca. 2/3 down the way of Peter's avatar pics left boob curve where it hits the shadow would be most suitable for the rope...😉
12 September 2019, 20:17

Slavo, you are making me feel uncomfortable. My eyes are up here!
JC, I have the aforementioned Tamiya panel liner. I will try it before I seal the acrylic with clear flat lacquer as it will spread through the acrylic and stain it better. Thanks for the idea old mate!
12 September 2019, 21:12

Holly, I am assuming you mean pic 59. You got a mention that night too, not actually present but not forgotten.
12 September 2019, 21:14

Peter it's all because I secretly think it's actually plausible for the rope to be white, the salt, water & sun in the Pacific rather bleaching than coffee-tanning stuff exposed to these elements...😉
Great looking boat, I really like the deal with the fading & the details - being absolutely serious here for once...
12 September 2019, 21:31

You know Tim, when I saw you had commented on my album I thought to myself, "Here we go, something about memories of PT boats fading away" and you floored me with an encouraging comment! You are full of surprises my Michiganiac friend!
13 September 2019, 23:14

Geez mate, I never knew you were capable of painting a non-shiny object that well. I think you listened to Yoda very well. Darth Hardy!
14 September 2019, 09:04

It's got one Tim, I just haven't put it on the command console yet!
14 September 2019, 21:54

Good to see you back in the man cave Pete, must be something to do with the weather up there in FNQ. Thanks for the update, mate.
8 December 2019, 04:49

Over 40*C all weekend. Hobby room very comfortable place to be!
8 December 2019, 10:16

Nice progress - boat looks pretty much ready for action! Good you did not destroy it with weathering & I like the glimpse of the shiny torpedo in the tube cutout... Guess a bike-man could not let go without some metal on the build... The horn would be too much "in your face", so the torp is a good choice...😢 Were these still the early "kinetic penetrator" mark 14´s or did these boats have torpedoes that actually exploded upon a hit? Good work all around... 👍
42°C sounds pretty punishing, my problem on the other side of the globe is the 16:00 darkness fall and having to work with interior light only... No lack of cooling options though 😄
8 December 2019, 10:57

Impressive mate! I couldn't tell if you fixed your rope problem on the last pic.
8 December 2019, 14:55

No I haven't Tim. Mulling over options still.
Slavo, you have heard of powder coating? Painting anything with an airbrush in this heat that's exactly what you get!
8 December 2019, 21:30

Well if they rope is actual rope, you can try to wash it with tea, a pretty strong one, depends on the color you want. Beter to do this before application. If it is kitchenrope, I'll fear for it..
9 December 2019, 08:05

As the MTB in question works in the tropics I'd say sun bleached Bart. I figure a string would be ideal.
9 December 2019, 08:32

Thank you Herr Shildermans. I know it isn't as good as you say but I am very proud you give me praise on a boat! Thank you!
10 December 2019, 08:48

Hey Peter, how's the dinghy coming along?, I've been watching while I wet a line here on the wharf.😢
12 December 2019, 00:34

Had to stop because it's so farking hot Mick. I need to do some detail painting but my airbrush just spits out carpet! I'm doing a flying thing atm.
12 December 2019, 01:41

Hot what's that, with an afternoon sea breeze blowin in everyday I'm as cool as a cucumber.😢 Well she's looking good anyway mate, and that flying thingie is coming along pretty good as well.👍🙂
12 December 2019, 02:53
Album info
A 1960s afternoon TV favorite was the slap stick adventures of the 80ft Elco PT 73, somewhere in the Soloman Islands. While the real heros had been doing their duty, the un-navylike crew of this PT kept many small boys and their parents in stitches watching them evade detection of the very navy Capt Binghampton. Although the crew were after laughs the boat was always the star of the show. I hope to bring this awesomely powerful hand crafted machine to life 50 years after watching Ernest Borgnine's depiction of being Skipper of the boat.