AB 212 ASW
19 14 July 2019, 19:30

Thank you, I keep on finding more and more error in this kit 🙂 Today I found out (bit late, I know) that the engine side vents do not appear on the real thing (one of them is covered by the anchor sign on the boxart)
9 August 2019, 20:24

Finally I got the replacement decals from Mr.Decal and could start decalling and washing.
27 March 2020, 21:13

Thank you guys. I finished decalling, washing and installing the transparencies. Now I can't locate the rear rotor mounting parts and lifting hook, so I consider scratchbuilding them. Long live the Carpet Monster!😉
31 March 2020, 13:14

Completed yesterday, the pics were just taken this afternoon in the lovely (almost Italian) sun. It's not Ronan's level, but I'm happy with the result, although the kit has couple of unresolved issues - the too low torpedo pylons being the most significant.
6 April 2020, 17:08

Congratulations... I wish someday I could build the Fujimi kit to a result half as good...
6 April 2020, 17:29

Thanks a lot gentlemen, glad you like it. 🙂
Alec, aside from the errors I mentioned, the kit itself is rather easy and well fitting, but the designers took some wrong assumptions.
6 April 2020, 20:27

I just mentioned Master's name and here he is😉 Thanks Ronan and Oleg 🙂
7 April 2020, 06:49

Very Nice build Lukasz, I like the idea to use needles as replacement for the antennas
7 April 2020, 10:59

Thanks Erik, I'd love to use some turned aftermarket stuff, but there is none available for the 1/72 Hueys (Master Co. are you reading this?😉 ) And I knew I would have broken them multiple times otherwise 😄
7 April 2020, 11:09