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Derek Reeve (Delboy)

Sukhoi Su-30M2


15 July 2019, 13:04
Holger Kranich
Hi! Well, the Camouflage works on ground! 😉 Nice build!
 15 July 2019, 13:41
Slavo Hazucha
Always happy to see a big nice Flanker!
 15 July 2019, 14:20
Stephan Ryll
Very nice work on that kit 👍
 15 July 2019, 16:03
Derek Reeve 作者
Many, thanks friends, I really appreciate your comments.
 16 July 2019, 08:00

Album info

Academy (Special Edition) 1/48th
Strictly OOB and brush painted as per usual for me using Xtracolour enamels and AKAN acrylics. Final finish is a 50/50 mix of Model Master Flat and Semi-Gloss lacquer varnish.

Quite fancied it in these Indonesian marks which are an option in the kit.


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